Ch. 11: The Abyss?

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To anyone who's wondering, here are some keywords (will be used in the future chapters, more coming soon):
Y/N: Your Name
H/C: Hair Color
L/N: Last Name/Family Name


Third POV

Somewhere far....A young man was talking to a Maiden.

"My boss gave us a break from work, i was supposed to make a surprise visit. When i heard she was near the ocean body of our city, i went there and rode another ship. And there, i saw her drowning. The ship she was in turned around similar to the titanic--"
"What's titanic?"
"Originally Titanic was a boat that sunk deep into the ocean in my world a hundred years ago, it became a huge coverage and someone had to make a movie about it."
"Who was the person who separated...?"
"It was some white haired lady, wearing a weird clothing.."

The young maiden talking to the boy put her finger under her chin. "So it was the unknown god that separated you and your sister" she sighed. "So, that woman is a god? What kind of god would do harsh things.." the man frowned.

"I know the anguish you feel, the anger of wanting to get rid of someone who broke the peace of your family. I too, was separated with my twin brother, and the one who did it was the unknown god" She explained, putting a hand on her chest. "How many years...?"
"500 years."
"What!? So you're..."
"I assume the god itself put my brother into a deep sleep until a year ago. I hope that when we'll reunite, the Abyss will claim the thrones"

"So the weird creatures that attacked me near the shore are your subordinates?"
"Forgive me for their behavior, they thought you were a citizen of this world. Now....will you join me in my journey?"
"Join you...?
"Yes, I'm the princess of the Abyss Order. For hundreds of years, me and my subordinates are in the shadows, trying to take down this world; also known as Teyvat and avenging my lost brother. Together we will rule teyvat, and find your sister."

"Hmmm... I'll take your offer. I just want to find my sister and return to our world"
"Don't worry, i too, feel the same."

A creature then appeared beside the two. "Your highness! The eye of the storm is now ready to be weaponized!" The creature said, kneeling down. "Good, now send it to windrise. I also have good news"
"What is it, Your highness?
"This man here, will become the Prince of the Abyss Order. He will help us conquer Teyvat while he finds his sister. Announce it to the others."
"I understand, your majesties. I shall go now."


After the show, me and the others approached the green musician.

Green Man: Wait you guys are.....Ah! That's right! You were the ones who scared Dvalin away.
Paimon: Who's that?
Aether: Must be Stormterror's real name..
Y/N: Ohhh yeah, most people call him 'Stormterror'.
Paimon: Why do you call him that? Are you two close?
Green Man: Oh, very close!
Paimon: Uhmm, Y/N and Aether... Paimon thinks this guy is high.

Aether: I'm sorry, you are?
Y/N: *whispers* You don't need to be rude, Paimon.

"I'm Venti the bard. Three-time winner of the Most popular Bard of Mondstadt, to be precise. So, what do you need from me?" The man said, with a proud tone when he mentioned how he winned three times on some contest. So his name is Venti...

Paimon: Since you already know us, paimon doesn't need to explain!
Aether: It's about Stormterror.
Venti: Storm...?
Paimon: Hey! Cut it with the Amnesia act! Alright, Y/N. Show it to him..

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