Ch. 22: Welcome to Liyue, but Rest in Pieces Geo Archon

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I was supposed to add this note on the previous chapter: I edited the Special chapter Part 1 (about the 1K special) with the new characters, Eula and Yanfei! I added them before this chapter is published.



Aether: How about we go ask amber about Razor?
Paimon: Good idea, she's an outrider so it's normal for her to go to these places; right?
Y/N: *nods* I hope she's still awake...
Aether: What time is it on your phone, then?
Y/N: It's 7:32 PM...
Paimon: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go find amber!

We used our Windgliders to return to the outskirts of the city, while walking to the city gate we saw a red girl near the tree. "Hey! That's amber!" Paimon pointed her finger and we ran to her direction.

Amber: Hey Paimon! Hey Y/N and Aether, what can i do for you?
Aether: *whispers* You go ask her, Paimon.
Paimon: Amber, do you know any wolf boy from Wolvendom?

Paimon tried to explain to her about Razor,  it seems like the Burny girl he mentioned isn't amber. Amber told us that he's investigating something, and asked us if we can come with her. "Well, this will the day before we go to Liyue. So why not have another adventure?" Aether put his hands on his hips. "Awesome! I know i could count you three, let's go."


Amber: Look! Up ahead!
Paimon: That's not a wolf pack, those are hilichurls attacking the carts!

Without a second thought, all three of us summoned our weapons to get rid of the hilichurls. It didn't take that long..

"Bless you" a woman bowed to us. "So, the hilichurls have been flexing their muscles at the back of the wolf scare" amber crossed her arms. The woman said that the wolves are even worse than the hilichurls because they attacked springvale in the morning.

"Let's go to springvale and see how worse the situation is." Amber said. We arrived and saw draff standing with two males, the other is on the ground; they say he's paralyzed by fear. We investigated further by aether using his elemental sight. "This bring backs memories when we tracked down raptor" aether said while he looked between the bushes. "It does, such memories worth to be treasured." amber chuckled.

We went through different areas and found footprints, a tooth and a fur. After that, we talked to the man who was laying down and now standing. We told them that the wolves are from Wolvendom and that the Four of us will go there to investigate the entire thing.

Walking through the path, we encountered a familiar person. "Wh-who's there!?" Razor yelped. "Chill out razor it's only us" i calmed him down. Paimon asked if he knew amber, he replied that amber is also red but isn't burny compared to the one he mentioned. Who could it be? He says he needs our help because his wolf pack are attacking people along the path. We discovered blood droplets.

Razor: That's not human blood, it's wolf blood, lupical  blood.
Paimon: Lupical? What does that mean?
Aether: We already have trouble understanding Y/N's earthling slangs but i never expected that we'll deal something similar here on Teyvat.

I let out a hmph while razor explained that it's something they call when wolves accept human and humans do it too. He says that it's the name given by the guardian of this land, before paimon could ask that it's Barbatos he ran away.

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