#1 Special Chapter: What the Characters Think of Y/N

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As a thank you, here are the characters opinions on the Reader/What they think of you. Reminder: special chapters aren't included on the main story.

Since there's too many characters, I'll make a part 2 which is in Liyue. Please comment down if i miss any characters Because there's too many of them. Note: All of the ideas are mine.


EDIT (5/18/21): I changed Venti and Noelle's opinion about you


Aether:, she's really kind, caring, beautiful, smart, talented-- O-oh, i kinda went off topic there did i? Hey Paimon, you can already take a hint i want to be more than friends with her.
Paimon: Is the distorted sunlight crushing on Y/n~ Sorry loverboy, but if you need paimon's help you have to stop teasing me. Oh and Y/N is even better than you!

Y/N is really a fast learner, ever since we caught raptor. I've been wanting to learn more about her, she memorized each parts of the windglider and when aether mentioned that the same day Stormterror attacked; was also the day she started taking notes of basic magic! Isn't that impressive!?

I'm pretty sure there's no one that could ever dislike that girl, she and her travelling partners contributed so much to monstadt even if they're only travellers passing by. Even if she gets a little hyper sometimes, I can't lie that it is fun to watch.

That cutie is the embodiment of a wife material, if i was boy; i would've asked her to be my girlfriend already! There's nothing wrong with being lesbian, but for now i prefer to stay platonic with her. I can already tell that one of her travelling partners are crushing on her.

Y/N? All i can say is that the girl is very Endearing...Well she is smart and talented but i somehow see it as a game, make Y/N fall for me but...*pouts* i was the one who fell in love...

Diluc (Spoilers for next chapter of this book)
There's something common about me and Y/N, we don't give reactions to any of Kaeya's teasing and flirting, and she doesn't like nor hate alcohol. She says she prefers juices and tea. When did i star to fall for her?...Why are you asking such things, it's not easy for my heart to process such feelings.

Venti (Spoilers for the future chapters of this book)
You're talking about my cecelia? Ehe, you already know what i think about her based on what i call her. Most of the ballads about heroic heroes are now replaced with songs that shows my love for her. Hopefully her brother approves our relationship─ wait, i haven't confessed to her yet. I'm still trying to win her heart, because she won mine first.

Y/N is the best! She's like a mother figure to me besides Jean! She always sew dresses and fix broken threads of my bag! She even helps me make new bombs! Whenever jean assigns Y/N to watch me, I always get excited!

Y/N sometimes stops by on our workshop and helps us with our experiments. I don't like telling some secrets but since you're an exception, albedo always sends me to spy on Y/N. I know, it's weird but the type of spying i meant is when Y/N goes to different places for a commission with her travelling partners. Albedo is really infatuated with Y/N and i can understand that, she's really smart and skilled.

It's really cute and fun hearing Y/N's stories making experiments back at her world. My favorite one was when her partner spilled a blood-colored chemical on her face, and don't worry, it wasn't harmful. She thought of removing it but instead she used it to prank her teacher. Why is my face red and warm....i should go ask sucrose.

Fischl: Y/N, Monstadt's Savior besides her Travelling partner. She's really skilled considering the fact that she fixed my dress, a thread fell off when was in a journey to Dragonspine. I can already tell that most boys are infatuated with her, and i can see that.
Oz: Sometimes i can hear you sleeptalk wishing to be a boy and marrying Y/N.
Fischl: *blushes* H-huh!? So i sleep talk when I'm lucid dreaming about her!?

She lives on earth, and I'm not really an expert when it comes to Earth's astrology. Y/N told me about Earth's constellation and when she told me about hers, i finally understood how she's an eye-candy. Wondering why I'm holding my wallet? I'm going shopping now since I've got enough money, it was all thanks to Y/N when she gave me the idea of telling everyone's constellation and the characteristics but in exchange for mora; and it worked!

Y/N doesn't hate nor like alcohol, she's someone i can understand and mostly like. After sharing how her grandmother died in a car accident Because of the driver drinking wine before driving, it makes me hate alcohol more! Like why does alcohol even exists!? I know, Y/N told me alcohol is like junk food but liquid; but just why!? Whenever we take a stroll together around town, i can see all the drunkards staring at her! It's makes me sick, though i can't blame her for being a magnet.

Y/N is the reason why I'm very motivated to learn more songs, specially since her brother is also an idol back at her world! She learned how to play piano because she helps her brother practice and she knows how to sew because she sometimes makes clothes for her brother, isn't she the sweetest!?

Y/N is...Razor's lupical...Why, i feel warm on the inside...

I always go with Y/N and her adventures with her travelling partners whenever I can! Is it weird to think that my bad luck doesn't strike when I'm with her? And sometimes i always catch Aether staring at her, ugh, the nerve...And it's not like I'm jealous or anything!

I adore Y/N, she's one of the senior knights i mostly look up and trust to. Everytime whenever i prepare food for the senior knights, i always make her meal special and different from everyone. Did you say you have an unfinished apple from Y/N? Please give it to me! It would be a great addition for my shrine.

Y/N is probably the most relatable person i know, and she's the only one other than Diluc that only replies with a poker face to Kaeya's smooth talk. Speaking of diluc, Y/N is the only person who made him smile; at first i thought my eyes were tricking me but after blinking a few times. It was real, congrats to Y/N making the darknight hero smile.

Edited: 4/18/21 -

She's the first person i admire the most. If you think i only said that because she's the Honorary Knight then you clearly have no dignity. Y/N once defend me from citizens who emotionally harass me, ever since then i got Infatuated with her...What? You'll help me confess my love?....Seriously? Using ballads like a bard? Tch, mark my worlds vengeance and her heart will be mine.

Ah, a gift from Y/N? Wait no, it's just crab roe tofu. I know it's my favorite food but i was expecting a love letter or a song that was about her confession....Aside from being a legal adviser, will you be my adviser when it comes to romance stuff? How should i confess? That blonde boy always gets in my way. The only chance we get to have alone time together is when we're inside her Serintea pot.

Bonus (5/20/21):

Ugh, Y/N...She always slaughter my pigeons and i despise her for that! She did save us from Stormterror but why can't she stop killing the poor pigeons and use their meat for the Knights' meals!? It's annoying...

Y/N helps me and Flora when it comes to picking flowers in the wild, she's a traveler and whenever she goes out to different nations and take commissions. She tries to give us a bundle of fresh flowers.... Alright, i admit...I'm kinda jealous of her because Master Diluc is inlove with her. Y/N has many admirers and Master Diluc too, so that makes them a great match; right?

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