Ch. 25

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"How was your Journey to Jueyun Kurst?" Childe asked us and i told him about the adepti's we met. He start to tell us about another information. "Exuvia?" Paimon asked, it's a new name. He explained us that it's another name of Rex Lapis and the prime of the adepti.

Paimon: I agree, something is definitely not right
Y/N: Isn't he the whole reason why we came here?
Aether.: If the qixing has locked up exuvia and won't let anyone near...Then our quest to find the seven is already over.
Childe: Oh? You're trying to find the seven? And why might that be, pray tell?
Y/N: Nothing to do with you..
Aether: No comment.

Childe giggled and offered to help us to get out of the situation we're in. "Best you three stay alive until we meet again" he then waved at us and left. "As much as i want to practice dealing with hilichurls, i kinda want a break" aether sweatdropped. "Kinda agree with you on that one, back in Mondstadt; we always dealt with them since we have the title of Honorary Knight" i rubbed my temples.

"How about we take a stroll around the outskirts of Liyue?" I suggested. "Good suggestion, in Mondstadt we memorized all the outskirts because of knight duties. This time, its by our own free will" Aether pat my shoulder. "Okay so our plans have been settled! So...where again?" Paimon halted. Me and Aether looked at each other and smirked, knowing well where we are going..


"Do we seriously have to go climb this mountain!?" Paimon pouted. "Oh shut up, Paimon. You're lucky you're only floating; me and Y/N have to climb up this mountain" Aether frowned. "Then why did you even choose this place?" Paimon put her hands on her hips.

"You seriously thought we're gonna annoy you because we smirked at each other, Paimon?" Aether sighed. "Well duh! You're already annoying paimon by just trying to catch you with your pace!" she crossed her arms. "This place is perfect to do our exercises without the interruption of hilichurls and slimes! Why don't you go up to the top then first, Paimon?" I wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Hmph... alright then." She flies over to the top leaving me and aether. About 10 minutes later we heard the floating child yell "Hey guys! Come up here! There's something i want to show you!" Me and aether then had a race, sadly, i lost and he handed me his arm to make me stand up. We saw a huge boat with some designs carved to it as we enjoyed the scene.

"So they still use sails when it comes ships?" I put my hand over my forehead to take a closer look. "Let me guess, it's advanced in your world?" Aether crossed his arms. "Yes, using sails on boats back on earth ended about 200 years ago"

"Why don't we go to the ship? Maybe we can find some intel..." Paimon put her hands on her hips. "I'm not sure, I'll bet they'll call us intruders" i sat on the ground. "I agree with Y/N, our reputation is already in risk after we got blamed for assassinating the Geo Archon" Aether bent down to enjoy the view.

"Then how about we go back to Liyue Harbor? Let's explore the City" Paimon shrugged. "That could be it.." Aether nods.


We arrived at back at Liyue Harbor, we took alook around and heard people talking while passing by. "Hey, did you know there are new books released on Wanwen Bookhouse"   "We should get our hands on it!"  "All of you are such bookworms"

Wandering Lust ♡ Genshin Impact X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now