Ch. 30

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⁽⁽ଘCHAPTER 30: Invitation to the Jade Chamber ଓ⁾⁾


Your POV

"Look up there! That's the jade chamber!" Paimon exclaimed as me and aether took another step to take a closer look at the floating palace. "That's pretty high" Aether put a hand on his forehead, paimon said that she doesn't know how to get there. "We should've asked that emissary back there..." i sighed.

"How about we look somewhere, like there must be a high land that's ready to take off to reach it" Aether grabbed my wrist and paimon's head to look for any thing that could possibly help us reach the floating palace. We found a thing that looks like a stand fan. "How about we try to use this mechanism?" Paimon went closer to the thing. "Guess we have no other choice" i went over to the thing and we summoned our Windgliders.

Looks like it brings wind current but it wasn't strong enough to really reach the place. "Best we head back to Liyue and ask the Milileths" Aether frowned. I try to come up with no ideas while aether rejects them, while the two of us have a mini argument; paimon looked down and saw that something. "Hey guys look! We're getting close to the Guizhong Ballista!"

We turned our heads and an idea popped on my mind. "Wait... I've got an idea!" They turned their attention to me. "Since the Guizhong Ballista is similar to a cannon which is a device that shoots things back at earth....How about we shoot each other to Jade chamber using it?" I put a finger under my chin.

"I don't want to die just yet..." Aether sweatdropped. "Weird...some cannons on earth are safe to shoot someone if they're cleaned well except for the vintage ones. I may have forgotten safety measures" i scratched the back of my neck. "Doesn't it have a scope?" Paimon crossed her arms.

"Speaking of Guizhong Ballista, i've got another suggestion...How about we use it to see if there's anything that can help us?" I put my hands on my hips. While we went to the cannon we encountered a bunch of Milileths, if only i can summon my gun right now but i don't want the bullets to be gone...

Paimon throwed a rant about it and came up with a theory that it was Ningguang's plan to pretend we're invited but sent a group of Milileths to ambush us. "You! Over there! This is a trick made by the Qixing, how shameless!" Paimon growled at the guards.

"Shameless? We're only doing our duties."
"Enough nonsense, seize these suspicious Intruders!"

They prepared to attack by gripping on their polearms. "Well, here they come. Beat the shit out of them you two just like what Y/N always say!" She exclaimed while the both of us drawed out our swords "This could be much easier if i have my gun with me" i said while kicking the guards' asses. "Oh yeah, i remember you introduced me to one when you first arrived" he said while dodging an attack.

After all hassle only one was left standing but he looks so haggard and a mysterious Voice stood up.

"Stop, what's this all about"

We turned around and saw another purple haired pigtail girl─ first buff guys now purple hair!? Do trends exists on this world? The lady approached the four of us. The guard told her about how we're suspicious and the lady asked why we want to come up there.

She halted when i mentioned that we were invited guests. "I'm Keqing the Yuheng of Qixing" she put a hand on her chest, her name rhymes with her position. "I know you, Travellers. You're one of Ningguang's guests, didn't expect to meet you there on the mountains" she put her hands on her waist.

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