See You Again | Mike and Grace

401 11 1


This was requested by Yuilesmollbeanuwu, thank you for requesting! This is NOT a ship, just friends hanging out (as Grace is aroace, and I want to respect that). Hope you like it though!

This prompt is inspired by the song "C U Again," by Cartoon, featuring Mikk Mäe.



"I'm not going away forever, you know," they said. "We'll meet up again one day. I can feel it."

"Well, it was cool knowing you, Grace," I said, shuffling a bit. Although they were still beside me, I still felt a bit worried about the future and all that.

If you want to know something, I met my friend a few years ago, back in the old orchard. I was there with my relatives and friends, and they were just there. We talked for a bit, and soon became acquainted with one another. Not love, but a sort of friendship.

We hung out together since then. Hangouts, picnics, sleepovers, you name it. Just ordinary friendly notions. (don't take this the wrong way please)

"Bye, Mike, I'll miss you," Grace suddenly said, hugging me. They pulled away and waved to me as they walked away, down the dirt road to their own family. I watch as they disappear into the distance, feeling lonely once again.

I got a bit used to being by myself for much of the time, as usually, Grace would be there to cheer me on or encourage me when I felt down. Of course, I never forgot about them, always kept a small memory of them in my room.

I wondered to myself what Grace would have been doing wherever they were. I do indeed hope that they are doing well. It felt relieving to think about it, but it did sting a bit remembering.

I just hope that they were right about coming back.



I watched the countryside disappear into the mountain range as we passed them. The breeze blowing through the van's windows felt nice, but had that salty taste lingering in small bits. I wonder if anybody would have missed me anyways. The only person who I would seen doing so was my friend Mike.

What I appreciated about Mike was their honesty and their loyalty of our friendship, they never spoke a word to anybody about me trespassing their "territory" or lied to me in any way. It was nice having a friend you could count on, you know?

Well, it was also nice having a friend who could understand and relate to you in some way. I admitted to him that I came out as the term 'aroace' before, meaning that I didn't feel much attraction to romantic or sexual feelings, and he understood how I felt about it. It felt a bit stressful thinking about it, but having a friend makes it worthwhile.


-timeskip to a few years-



I was tending to the orchard, picking and harvesting the blooms and fruit that grew in the past few months. Just like I had for a long time, it was a family tradition to do so.

I heard a slight crunching sound coming from behind me, so I turned in caution. I watched as the figure stepped out of the tall bushes.

"You never left this place, what commitment!" they commented, smiling broadly.

I recognized them by the voice and their smile. "Grace? Is that really you?"

"Yep, old friend, I told you I would be back, and here I am," they said, giving me another hug like the one a few years back. "Did you miss me or something?"

"Well, technically yes, but no," I responded bluntly, making them laugh.

"Okay, okay, but see, I did keep my promise!" they said joyfully, making me smile for once.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're back too."

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