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"This is it," Five sighed as Diego pulled up to their father's company. The two got out of the car and made their way to the building, but FIve stopped mid-way and stared at the doors. A lump was in his throat and he felt as if he was a child getting in trouble. "You okay?" Five let out a breath, "Yeah, I'm fine," He walked up to the door and sighed. "How long has it been since you've seen the old man?" Diego asked as he
crouched down in front of the door.

"Forty-Five Years," "Damn, that must be a trip," Five let out a breathy chuckle, "No kidding," Diego began to pick the lock of the door. "You know," Five sighed, "When I got stuck there wasn't a day that went by where I didn't hear his voice in my head."
"What'd he say?" Diego asked as he tried picking the lock. "I told you so," Five mocked. "Well, dad's never seen you before so he can't tell you that," "I'm sure he'll find a way,"


"What are you doing?" Y/n asked as she watched the woman put on her shoes. "Following them? It's Diego and a little boy in school shorts. You really think they can handle themselves?" Y/n thought about it for a second. She knew Five was very capable of whatever he was going to take care of, but she didn't have much faith in Diego. "Five told me to stay here, I trust him," The lady rolled her eyes. "You trust too easily little one," "I'm older than you," The woman raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What even is your name?" "None of your business," The woman scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I'm going to go find them," Y/n shrugged and went back to the book she was practicing.


Y/n glanced at the clock, "It's getting late. Maybe she was right," Y/n thought as she closed her book. Just then the door opened to reveal The crazy lady holding Diego. "What happened to him?" Y/n got up and helped her carry Diego to the couch. "He was stabbed," Y/n facepalmed, "I'll go get some first aid supplies." "Can you get something that can get hot? I need to stop the bleeding," Y/n nodded and ran off to grab the supplies while the lady was left to undress Diego and get him set to clean his wound. "Here you go," Y/n said handing a hot rod to her. "I don't know what that is but I know it gets hot. Oh and here's the first aid stuff," She said putting all the stuff on the table.

"Thank you, little one," "You're welcome, crazy lady," She let out a light scoff, "My name is Lila," Y/n nodded and picked up her book. "I'm still not telling you mine," Y/n sat down on a nearby chair and went back to reading her book. She started to feel a pit in her stomach as she glanced up ad Diego. "What if Five got hurt and Lila didn't find him? What if Five got taken?" She thought as she continued to stare at her book. A scream resonated through the room, causing Y/n to snap out of her thoughts. It was Deigo screaming in pain as Lila applied the hot rod to his wound.

"Don't move, this thing is very finicky," Lila shushed as she wiped the blood off his wound. "What happened?" Diego grunted, "I saved your stupid life," The two started to go back and forth until Lila shut him up by putting the hot rod on his laceration. "There that's better," Lila smiled as she went back to fixing his wound. "Oh, so he's not dead," Y/n looked up from her book and saw Five in the archway. She got up and went to engulf him in a hug. "Disappointed?" Lila scoffed. "Oh to see you? Always," Five said with a sarcastic smile as he grabbed a guard off the coffee table. "For being so small you two are so hostile," Y/n rolled her eyes at Lila and focused her attention back on Five.

"What happened to your neck?"
Y/n asked as she examined the slashes on his neck. "Did you cut yourself shaving?" Lila questioned. "I can teach you to shave like a big boy," "Every time you speak I want to break your jaw," Y/n said as she took the gauze from Five's hand and wiped up the blood on his neck. Five turned around and saw Elliott stilled tied to his chair. "You didn't untie him?" Five asked looking at Y/n. "I forgot. I knew it was too quiet around here," Y/n tsked as she went to go untie the unconscious man. She gently shook him till he woke up.

"Hey, Elliot I have a favor to ask," Five explained his favor to Elliot who was still waking up. "You got that?" He nodded and got up to stretch. Y/n went to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal for him since that was the only thing she was capable of making. "Here you go," Y/n said whilst putting the bowl down on the table in front of him. "Thank you, bug," Elliot smiled. Y/n nodded and was about to walk out but was stopped by Elliot. "Hey, bug? I got a question," Y/n nodded telling Elliot to ask away. "That boy, Five," He spoke up, "Do you trust him? I mean he just blipped in the house out of nowhere and then shows up with footage of the president getting shot," Elliot said. "I know you like him, but I'm just worried about you, bug," Y/ smiled warmly at her guardian.

"Don't worry, Elliot. He's a good person. He's here to help us all out," Elliot nodded more confident. "If you need anything I'll be with Five, " Y/n said as she walked off to join Five. "You sure you'll be able to find her?" "Well, Elliott did say his technology could pick up intense energy forces, so we'll just have to see," Y/n nodded. "So how did seeing your dad go?" "Not as planned," Five sighed. "I ran into, Pogo, who decided to play scratch post with my neck," Y/n let out a chuckle. "I got worried when Lila came home with, Diego. I thought something bad happened to you," Five gently took hold of Y/n's hand and rubbed small circles on her the back of her hand.

"Don't worry, I'm here now," Y/n nodded and laid her head on his shoulder. "Wanna see the book, I'm reading?" Y/n glanced up at him. He nodded, curious to see what book it was. Y/n grabbed the book from the chair she was previously sitting in and sat back down next to Five. "It's called, The Crucible," She said showing him the book.

"It's a play about family and a young servant-girl who evilly accuses a man's wife of witchcraft, so the farmer brings the girl to court to admit the lie. Or something like that. I'm still kind of confused," Y/n explained to FIve who was listening intently. "I'm only a couple pages in," "Can you read some of it to me?" Y/n nodded and began to read the book aloud as Five listened. there were times when Y/n got stuck but Five was there to help her out.

"Hey, we got one!" Elliot called out. "One of those machines you asked for is going crazy," Y/n and five got up from the couch and went to Elliot to further investigate. "Which one?" "The, uh, the atmospheric radar," Y/n and Five went up to the screen to get a closer look. "What are you tracking? A hurricane? Storm front?"

"Sound waves,"

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