Quick Update| please read⚠︎

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Hey everyone, just wanted to hop on and say hello and talk about some things and get some stuff off my chest.

First off, if you're an original reader and you still read my book i thank you for being patient with me. It really means a lot.

Second, I'd like to know how many of you guys are active readers. I get silent readers exist and read my books, but the analytics on this book isn't up to par so i wanna know how many of you guys are still here.

Third, please please please let me know what you think of the book, and if you've been around since the beginning let me know your thoughts on the new version! I'd love to hear all of your opinions and critiques.

Thank you for all the reads and kind things you have said to me over the course of this book. It really has made me love writing for you all and I'm glad you like me and have accepted me as a creative writer.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to comment them and i will read them and get back to you all asap.

I love you all so much and I can't wait for you to read more of what i have. Thank you.

Love Cyber💞

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