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"Get her upstairs now!" Luther said as they rushed out of the car. "Y/n, let's go," Five grabbed Her hand and ran to the door with Y/n loosely following behind. Y/n couldn't hear anything properly, and her vision was out of focus. She had come in contact with so much blood it was overloading her senses. "Y/n, stay here, okay? five said as he sat her down on the couch. Y/n sluggishly nodded. Five sighed and pursed his lips before going back with his brothers."Come on hurry up," Diego grunted as they carried Allison up the stairs. "Grace! Pogo! We need you now!" Klaus yelled. The robot and the ape quickly attended to the group.

"Get her to the table immediately," Grace said. The three laid her out on the table, and Grace worked to figure out the severity of her wound. "She has a severe laceration to her larynx, Someone will need to give blood." The three boys volunteered immediately. "Here, I'll do it," Luther said as he pulled up his sleeve. "I'm afraid that's not possible dear boy," Pogo spoke up. "Your blood is more compatible with mine," Luther stayed silent trying to think of another way.

"Hey, don't sweat it, big guy. I love needles, here stick me up," Klaus said slapping his arm. "Master Klaus..." Pogo said once more, "Your blood is too... polluted," Klaus made a small 'tch' sound. "Move, I'll do it," Diego said as he stepped up. Grace nodded and got her needle ready. As soon as Diego made eye contact with the needle his fear of needles kicked in and he fainted. "Stick him," Pogo said as he looked at Diego on the floor. Grace nodded and knelt down to his level and drew blood. "Okay guys, she'll be okay. she just needs to rest," Grace reassured as she started to stitch Allison's wound. The boys nodded and sighed in relief.

All of them shuffled out of the room and went their separate ways trying to calm down from the trauma they just experienced. "Y/n?" Five called out as he stepped closer to his friend that sat on the couch. She was still on a blood high but it wasn't as severe as it was before. Her clothes were covered with small blood stains and her pupils were dilated. "Y/n come on let's change your clothes. Yout won't be able to focus while being covered in blood," Five said as he grabbed Y/n's hand. He helped her get up off the couch and lead her to his room.

"My head," She groaned as she stumbled over her feet. Five tried his best to keep her stable, but having the physique of a 13- year old boy was not in his favor. "Okay, Y/n, I need you to try and walk," Five said as he held up Y/n by her shoulder. She nodded and tried her best to take steps up the stairs. "There you go," Five encouraged. "You're doing it. Just a little further," He said as he held on her hand. Once the two made it up the stairs, Five lead her to his room and sat her down on his bed.

He glanced around his room till he found her backpack. He dug through it and found a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. "Here, put this on," Y/n took the clothes and placed them next to her. Without hesitation, she began to undress, "Woah, hey stop!" Five panicked as he covered his eyes. "What?" Y/n asked confused as she pulled her shirt back down. "You were supposed to wait till I left the room," "Oh," Y/n realized still coming out of her daze. Five facepalmed as he left the room to leave Y/n by herself to change. Once Y/n had finished changing and tried to snap herself out of her dazed state she opened the door and looked outside.

"You can come in now," Y/n walked back inside of his room and sat down on the edge of his bed. "Feeling any better?" She nodded with a small smile on her face. Five tried holding back his smile as he stared at her. "Well, we should get some sleep. It's been a long night and I know you're tired," Five said as he took off his blazer. Y/n nodded as she watched Five grab a pair of pajamas from his drawer. "cover your eyes," Five said as he closed his dresser drawer."Why?" "Unless you want to me get undressed," Y/n's eyes widened as she quickly squeezed her eyes shut covered them with her hands. Five let out a small chuckle as he got undressed. He quickly changed into his pajamas not wanting to keep Y/n waiting for long.

"Okay, you can open them now," Y/n uncovered her eyes and blinked a couple of times to adjust her eyes. "Do you want a light on or off?" "On please," Five nodded and turned on the small lamp that sat on his desk. "Good?" Y/n nodded as she started to get under the covers. Five followed in-suite facing away from Y/n. Once the two got comfortable they shut their eyes and tried their best to get some sleep, but Y/n wasn't fully comfortable, and to be honest, Five wasn't either. She let out a sigh and turned to Five who seemed to already be asleep. He pulled her closer and rested his head on her back and his arm on her side. Y/n let out the breath she has been subconsciously holding in. "Goodnight, Y/n,"

"Goodnight, Five,"

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