"Okay, hot stuff, come on in." You called out to your boyfriend. You turned around to see thlmas holding two glasses of wine.

"Would you like some wine, my love." He smirked leaning on the door frame.

"I would love some, let me get a table." You set both of these glasses on the counter and went to grab a coffee table. When you got back thomas was already in the water.

"Come on in the waters fine." He smiled, you Set down the table and put the wine one it.

"I think I will." You peeled off the robe and stepped in. He wolf whistled as you lowered yourself into the water.

"Hey, sexy lady." He grabbed tou by your waist setting you in-between his legs. You vothe got comfortable and you rested your head back on his chest. "So what's all this about?" he ran his hands up and down your sides.

"You have had to travel so much lately, and I haven't been able to go with you," because you were filming in London and he was in America. "So I thought you could use a stress free and relaxing date night."

"Well I appreciate it, little lady, this is very nice." He smiled, his hand had went to reach for some liquid soap, one that smells like cranberry, but you stopped him.

"No, this is your night to relax, I've got it." The bubbles had gotten so high now it covered your collar bone. You turned off the jets and poured a healthy amount of the soap into your palm. You turned around so that you were facing him. You rubbed your palms together and placed them on his chest. His hands found your waist and he pulled you to straddle him and you massaged the sweet smelling wash into his toned chest. You made your way to his shoulders and slowly pushed the bubbles around, looking up at him every once and a while. His hands stayed on your waist until the tension became a little to much, your hands trailed towards his v-line, and he had enough. He pulled you to kiss him roughly, you could feel his semi Against your stomach.

"I can think of something to help with my stress. " He said.

"You sound like a 12 year old wet dream" you replied.

"Ouch. Your mean when your horny." He joked before kissing you again. You started to grind your hips against his member making his nails dig into your sides.

"What?" You said sympathetically. "Does my tommy want to have bath sex before we start our spa day?" You gigled as you played with his hair.

"If you even have to ask-" you shut him up by kissing him.


You layed your head on his heaving chest, "that was..." You begun.

"Interesting, amazing, weird, and a bit of a work out." He finished.

"Yeah." You said breathlessly.

"Ugh, the waters gone cold." He groaned, you kissed his cheek and let out a small laugh.

"Okay, lover boy, get out, dry off, and sit on the lielow." You ordered. The two of you slowly got out of the tub. Thomas grabbed his towel and robe and walked into your room, you were in the insuite. 

"Yes ma'am." He replied. You let out the water, and cleaned up a bid, before reaching under the sink for a basket with all of your spa things in it. You grabbed some face masks, made sure your Robe was secure, and joined thomas in the bedroom.

"What is in your hand?!" Thomas said wearily.

"Just facemasks." He went to get up but you pushed him back down, "hey! No running away from spa day." You scolded. You straddled him and he huffed, he wrapped his arms around your waist and let you put on a face mask. "Okay, first, we use a soothing pore opening mask, and rolling into the skin," you explained.

"Is that mint." He sniffed.

"Yes, its good for your pores." You giggled at his facial expression. "Don't frown, you'll feel great later."

"Fine, do I get to put one on you?" His thumbs drew shapes on your sides.

"Yes you do, now shhh." You shushed. You reached around to your remote that was behind thomas. You turned up the stereo and began placing a jelly mask onto his face.

"Ooh, it smells good." He did his signature frown.

"It better." You laughed.

"Okay... done."

"Thank you, love."

"Of course, my turn now."

"Okay, close your eyes." You gigled and closed your eyes smiling up at him. He laughed at the face you made. "Hey! Sit still." He groaned, after you had started shifting. He placed his pointer finger and thumb on your jaw, while the rest of his hand was on your neck.

"Mmm, kinky Mr.Sangster." You whispered.

"That's not my goal," he started. "At the moment."  He said all this so nonchalantly while he concentrated. You were always such a giggling mess around him. He was just so charming.

You felt thomas kiss your nose,  before he placed the rest of the mask on your skin.

"Okay, all done." his thumb ran across your jaw. And your eyes fluttered open. He looked so cute with the mask on.

"Are you gonna move your hand?" you questioned, looking up at him with bedroom eyes. He pretended to think for a moment,

"Hmmm. Nope." He moved his thumb across your jaw, to your chin, and to your other cheek. So that his hand was all on one side of your neck. "So what's next?"

"In five minutes, we take these off-"

"The robes?" He interjected.

"No, the masks." You smirked at him. "Ans then we put these clay masks on, and let that sit for ten minutes, then we do these under eye thingys, and finally I'll put some oils and creams on your face. And tada. We're done."

"With spa day?" He asked kind of sadly.

"No, with skin care." You gigled at his disappointment.

"Oh, okay, so what's after this?"



The night went by smoothly, face masks were done, skincare was completed. So you and thomas sat in your makeshift movie theater that you had created the day before. You used your 2nd bedroom as the theater,  and it looked great. You had pushed the bed to the far wall, taking the mattress off of it, and laying it on the floor.

You had fairy lights hung all over the ceiling.  A coffee table held wine and the charcuterie, along with popcorn and boxed candy. Pillows were all over the floor, and you and thomas were cuddled up together under a soft blanket.

Thomas sat on the mattress and you were in between his legs, as he held you close to his chest.

At the moment, both you and Thomas were yelling at the TV, while the last living person in the horror movie walked into the basement that clearly was haunted. As the main character followed her friends in to the basement the door flew shut and the screen faded to black.

"Thank you?" Thomas whispered as you both calmed down.

"I'm your girlfriend." You laughed. "No need to thank me." You kissed his jaw.

"I had a lot of fun today."


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