Chapter 25: Memories

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Lisa's PoV

"Lisa" she called as I looked at her smiling..

It's been two days since she got a fever and now she's doing well..

"Yes?" I asked and finished up washing the dishes..

"I have something to show you" she said uncertain.. I looked at her worriedly.. she looks reluctant.

"What is it?" I asked and went to her..

She then pull me upstairs.. going in front of a room that I haven't yet enter.. I saw this room being locked but today it isn't

I looked at her curiously with my heart beating so fast..

She then opened it revealing a cute looking room with blue painting and blue decorations mixed with yellow, everything is color blue and yellow and there was a crib in the center..

This is obviously a baby's room..

"Je-n who's this for?" I asked as I entered the room sensing the familiarity I have always felt since I stayed in this house..

Isn't a baby's room supposed to be joyful and lively place but why do I feel that this room is full of sadness and unknown cries of pain..

The room feels so empty and the feeling of melancholy lingers around..

"This was supposed to be the room of o-ur baby" she said.. her voice is full of sorrow and grief..

Our baby?.. So what Tzuyu said is really true.. Jennie and I are supposed to have a baby but what happened?

She seems to have noticed my confusion as she continue... "The day we are supposed to know the baby's gender, I slip from the stairs and have a miscarriage" she said

I gasp feeling a painful pinch inside me.. "You have a miscarriage?" I ask as I started to feel a slight pain on my head..

She then went towards a cupboard getting something and handed me a photo album, As I opened it there's a lot of pictures of her in dresses with me beside her.. There's also some that her baby bump is noticable.

But one thing that have got my attention is an image of her half naked while I'm kneeling kissing her baby bump..

And there's also some ultrasound pic.. seeing an image of small fetus,.

"That are the photos you have compiled through my pregnancy"

"Before they removed the baby from my womb, they said that it was supposed to be a b-oy" she croaked as her eyes watered

Vague of images started to appear on my head making me a little bit dizzy..

"A-re you okay Lisa?" She asked wiping her tears and hold my hand..

I nod and close my eyes.. but a sudden scenario started to appear in my head..

Jennie crying desperately, inside this room,. And just hearing her painful sob is like pricking my heart..

"Lisa" she grip on my shoulder and gently shake me bringing me back to reality..

"Jen..." I called not noticing that I am also crying..

"Did you remember s-omething?" She asked cupping my cheeks wiping my tears..

I nod.. "You're crying in this room and I assume it's because of losing him.." I told her as she suddenly stop and stare at me..

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