Chapter 18: Unexpected Encounter

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Lisa's PoV

I quickly rushed Tzuyu to the hospital when she suddenly start vomiting non-stop and she's also feeling an intense pain in her side..

The doctor quickly bring her to the ICU while the nurses started to ask me what happened as I carefully explained it to them..

Then they injected her with what I think is a sedative to relieve her pain and for her to also calm down.. Her eyes have also started to close..

Seeing her in pain makes me want to cry but I don't want to show her that I am crying because she would only feel bad..

"This is a common symptom of the cancer and the vomiting can be side effects of the chemotherapy.. so I'm telling you, you might encounter this often.." The doctor explained..

After making sure that she's fine they left as I went to sit beside her..

It's been 3 months since we find out about her illness and within those months many have changed..

We told her parents about it and they immediately came back here. They were so hurt and so heartbroken that they will have to go through this again but this time it's their daughter that is in this situation...

They would stay for three weeks to help on taking care of her but they would go back in Taiwan on the last week of month. Then come back again for the next month..

Her parents have also hired some personal nurses to help us but today she have taken a day off and now this happens..

I called her parents and updated them what the doctor have said and asked if Lexus is okay. He just witnessed how her mother cried in pain earlier..

He still doesn't know what's happening to his mother.. he's still too innocent for him to find out..

But when he saw his mother's appearance starting to change specially when she gradually lost her hair he started to get what's happening to Tzuyu..

He was asking us sometimes if Tzuyu is sick but all we can do is to deny it.. But he seems not to believe and started to sleep in our room and would always do anything to make her happy...

Tzuyu have gone a surgery to remove the tumor in her pancreas but then the doctor have said that the cancer cells have spread in her inner organs so their is a big possibility that it will come back again.

So all we can do now is for her to undergo Chemotherapy and radiation therapy to kill some of the cancer cells and to prolong her life..

But the side of effects are occuring. Her hair have gradualy lost just within 4 weeks of her undergoing chemo. She also feels a lot of fatigue and other side effects that is making it hard for her to live and painful for us to see..

But this disease is not just affecting her physically but also emotionally..

She started to get insecure about herself especially now that her appearance really change a lot.. I am always assuring her that I would still love her no matter what and she would always be the beautiful woman I love but this cancer of her is really taking a toll on her health..

When her hair have all fallen off I went to cut my Long hair leaving it on my neck level. I bring it to a wig maker for Tzuyu and it came within just a week..

This is all I can do to at least give her hope and show how much I love her..

Tzuyu was really happy and grateful but I know she's still having some insecurities..

I hold her hand as my tears is starting to roll down my face..

Thankfully she's already asleep..

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