Chapter 16: Family

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******4 Years Later*******

Lisa/Alex PoV

I was looking for my wife when I found her in our room sitting on the bed..

She was looking at our family picture in a frame and beside her is our photo album..

I went inside putting the photo album in the cupboard and sit beside her..

"Days really pass so fast" she started making me smile..

"He was just so small back then and always asking for us to carry him but now he is being so adventurous and going here and there" she continued and giggle..

"Maybe you are also like that when you are a kid" I tease her..

"Maybe you.." she tease me back as I only smile.. maybe he is

But how would I know.. until now, I can't remember any of my past.. my confusing dreams have also stopped

But it doesn't matter anymore because I'm already contented and happy with my family.. and that's what's matter to me..

Tzuyu have gave birth to our naughty baby boy..

His name is Lexus.. He is already 3 years old turning 4.. very lovely and adventurous one..

And I can say that he was a younger version of Tzuyu.. he got most of Tzuyu's features and the only thing he got from me are my bigger eyes..

When Tzuyu's parents found out about it they were really happy but at the same time confused because what they knew I'm a woman but Tzuyu have explained to them my condition..

Seeing her parents happy face made me also think of my parents.. Tzuyu said that I'm an orphan so she doesn't know who my parents is..

Her parents even came to visit us and I was so scared that time because I don't remember them.

But her father was very kind and even gave me a hug when we first met. I was really surprised and nervous that time but he made me feel welcomed.

On the other hand, her mother was a little cold to me when I first met her. I don't know why but I feel like she doesn't accept me for her daughter.

Is she against our marriage when me and Tzuyu got married?.. that was my very first question..

Even so, I tried to gain her acceptance and trust because I don't want Tzuyu and her mother fighting because of me..

It was hard at first because she was like a hard stone that is hard to crack. But when she saw how I take care and being so attentive to her daughter especially through her pregnancy she have slowly softened.. and now me and her mother has a good relationship..

When Lexus was born.. being a parent was tough because we are still first time parents. So we have to seek help for pediatricians and as time passes by we are starting to cope up.

We experienced sleepless nights, have arguments and even cry for frustration if ever Lexus would have tantrums and won't stop crying. But everytime we see him smile and laugh and calling us Mommy and Dada.. everything would be alright

He was a clingy kid, he doesn't want to be left alone and he always wanted to be carried especially by his mommy.. but as he grow up and started to walk he became so active that were having a hard time finding him.

He also became very friendly and would sometimes go with me to greet the guests coming to the resort and they can't help but to fall in love with him. The staffs also have fallen in love with his cuteness and they even act as his bodyguards.. well they have been attached to him and to us..

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