Jikook & Me

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After crying my eyes out, I definitely felt lighter from my cathartic release.  Sometimes it takes a good cry to get some clarity and regain balance.  I'm thankful that Jimin and Jungkook didn't make me feel stupid for being so emotional.  Instead Jimin just held me and let me cry until I was spent.

Rubbing my back in a soothing pattern, he asked me if I wanted to take a bath?  I haven't had a bath in ages and the idea of a warm relaxing bath sounded amazing.

Leaving me to be cuddled by Jungkook, Jimin got up to go into my bathroom to prepare my bath.

I didn't know what to say to Jungkook,  I was a little embarrassed by my emotional outburst.  I know a lot of guys cringe when a female gets emotional.

"I'm sorry." I tell him.

Jungkook pulls back from hugging me closely to look at my face.  "Why are you apologizing Sierra?"

"For crying so much."

"Sierra it's always ok for you to express yourself feelings with me...with us.  As long as your not be hateful, I have no problem with you being a real fucking human being!  You are my soulmate and I love you!  Everyone cries from time to time.  No judgements okay?"

"Okay." I acquiesce.  I'm not used to people being so accepting of the real me.  I always feel I have to put on a happy jovial front around people.  I feels kind of refreshing that I don't have to hide that I'm not always happy.

I give Jungkook a hug and just enjoy being quietly held by my soulmate.  I like that since we are bonded I can feel that Jungkook really doesn't mind and he's always happy to simply hold me right now.

After a few minutes, Jimin emerges from the bathroom and gently takes me from Jungkook's arms.

"Come on Love. Let's get you in the bath." 

He picks me up and I'm shocked that Jimin can even lift me until I remember that my body is a lot different than normal, but even still I can tell that Jimin is definitely strong!  I've never been carried in a bridal hold before.  I have to admit that I like how it makes me feel dainty and feminine.

In the bathroom I see that Jimin has ran my bath and even lit a few candles to have a nice soothing glow against the great view of the Seoul skyline.

In the bathroom I see that Jimin has ran my bath and even lit a few candles to have a nice soothing glow against the great view of the Seoul skyline

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Jimin gently sets me down so I can stand up.  I notice that he and Jungkook that followed along don't look like they are planning to leave.  I know I've already bonded with Jungkook but I feel a little shy to just undressed and display my naked body in front of them!

I definitely have a dilemma on my hands, since the bath really looks inviting and the sandalwood/vanilla bath bomb that Jimin added to the bath smells absolutely divine.  I'm definitely not used to stripping naked in front of a guy, let alone two but my apartment only has a shower and I've not had the opportunity to a bath in years. 

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