"Okay." He pulls some keys from a key rack and presses the unlock button. The car beeps as he does. Walking over to the car he opens the door and motions for me to get inside. Smiling I get into the car and he closes it. Sitting back I put on my seatbelt. If I mess this up tonight we won't get any information. I can't let my nerves get the best of me.

Watching as Rocco gets into the car I take a deep breath and straighten out my dress. "Will you be okay." His deep Italian voice fills my ears. I've always hated the way my father talks. It always reminded me of how I'm born and raised from the mafia, but there's something about Rocco's voice. It's sexy and enticing. I could never get tired of it even if I tried.

"Yes. I told you multiple times this isn't my first rodeo." I snap. Technically this is my first rodeo. I've never had to do mafia work. Besides learning proper etiquette and things I'll need to run my own mafia, I haven't done nearly as much as Rocco.

That day in my father's office was the first time I've ever killed someone. The nightmares will never stop and I know that. "I'm making sure you don't fuck up. If you do then this will all be for nothing." He clenches his jaw as he starts up the car. He presses a button on his car and the garage lifts with a loud growl.

"I won't mess up. It's you I should be worried about." Folding my arms across my chest I let out a sharp sigh.

"I've been doing this for years. I'll be fine." The car roars as he drives off. Not only does the car look amazing, but it sounds amazing too.

Going over the plan again in my head I think of some things that might jeopardize the plan. "How will I get the guy into a room if we are going as a couple?" I question.

"We tell them our relationship is new. That we met at a club. They'll think you're only after my money." He shrugs.

"Why do I have to go undercover as a gold digger? Why can't it be you that isn't faithful to me." I snap with a glare.

"You know Sei sexy quando sei arrabbiato" He lowers his voice to a deep growl. Biting my lip I look away from him and squirm in my seat. His voice is so sexy that I clench my thighs.

For the rest of the ride, I stay silent. Partly because I don't want to hear his voice. As we pull up I notice how big the place is. A large mansion 10 times the size of mine. What the hell do they need all these rooms for. I mean there has to at least be 100 rooms. Not having time to count all the large windows I look at all the cars. There are 200 cars parked in the lot. How the hell do we find one guy in a crowded house full of people.

Rocco pulls into a parking lot and a man and woman stand on the sidewalk whispering to each other. The car does look nice, but they don't have to stare. "Stay here." Rocco says. I watch as he pulls his keys out of the ignition and opens his car door. He get's out of it and I sit back in my seat. Two seconds later he's opening my door. He holds out his hand to help me out.

"I can do it myself." Rolling my eyes I try to climb out, but he grabs me anyway.

"You don't have to be so stubborn right now!" Rolling his eyes he pulls me out. Frowning at him he grins.

"Now's a good time to get into character." He says letting me go. Standing up straight I straighten out my dress.

"I'll get into character once I walk through those doors." Crossing my arms I glare at him as he closes his car door.

"Give me your hand." He holds his hand out for me to take it. Taking a deep breath I stare down at his hand. Then my body brushes past him as I walk towards the entrance. Like hell am I going to hold his hand all the way up to the door!

Not getting far his hand snakes around my waist. He pulls me close and whispers in my ear. "I'll punish you later." Growling he lets me go.

He follows after me as I make my way to the door. "You haven't forgotten the plan right?" He questions.

"No Rocco!" I say for the hundredth time. "I told you this isn't my first Rodeo." Rolling my eyes I open the doors to the mansion. As soon as I do I'm hit by the sound of loud music. Stopping I turn towards Rocco who is right behind me.

The place is crowded and I have no idea how we are supposed to find the guy. The only thing I have to go off of is his name. Rocco hasn't given me any more information besides that. His hand slides around my waist as we both walk in. He closes the door behind him and as he does a couple walks up to us.

A woman who looks to be in her 40's and a man no older than that. They both have grey hair. She's wearing a long black dress that goes well with her grey curls. He's wearing a red suit with matching shiny black Christian Louboutin's.

"Welcome." The man holds his hand out to Rocco. He takes it with a tight-lipped smile. "Are the both of you new. I don't think I've seen you two before." Raising an eyebrow he sizes us up.

"Yes." Rocco's deep voice thunders with confidence. "We've heard of the Costello's getting married. Wanted to check you two out for ourselves and wish you congratulations." Rocco's eyes scan the room.

"Yes, marriage is such a lovely event we just couldn't miss it." I smile at the wife. As nervous as I am I can't falter. They have no Idea the most strongest Mafia man in the world is behind this mask. I'm sure they don't know what his voice sounds like either.

"Your masks are both so beautiful. May I ask who made them?" The woman smiles.

"I had them custom made. Now if you'll excuse us. Don't want to miss out on the party." Rocco says nodding towards them.

"Yes, please enjoy yourselves." They both make their way to the next couple that has arrived. As we head into the party Rocco whispers into my ear.

"We are going to try to spot him from the dance floor." He announces. Looking up at him with a raised eyebrow I stop and turn to him.

"Rocco I don't even know what he looks like." Crossing my arms I look to the dance floor. "You haven't even shown me a picture of him."

He runs a hand through his hair tugging at it. "Just look for a rose tattoo on the side of a man's neck. You'll know when you see it." Pulling me towards the dance floor the music engulfs me. The inside of this place is bigger than the outside. Tiled wood floors, big windows that show the night sky. Party decorations everywhere. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling giving the place an elegant look. I bet everyone here is wearing a gun under their suits and dresses.

You can never trust a person at one of these parties. Not even me and Rocco. We are here to kill someone after all. Maybe not kill him, but get him to answer some questions. I'm not going to be able to just sit there and let one of the men who ruined my life get away with what he's done.

I may not know much about the mafia life, but I know enough to never let someone double-cross me...

"Do you not know how to dance?" He questions.

Raising my eyebrow I meet his beautiful grey eyes. Shit, I did it again. "W-what?" I question in a daze.

"You haven't placed your hands in the right spot Alessandra." Looking down at my hands at my sides he frowns.

"I didn't realize I was looking around the place." Placing one of my hands on his shoulder I wrap the other around his neck. Then we dance...

Snake and VenomHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin