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"Do you want to hold her?" Stella asked as Luke sat down beside her.

Luke looked between the mother and baby nervously. He had never held a baby before and although it looked simple he thought he would do it wrong. "I— I don't know."

Stella laughed and looked over at Ashton who was smiling. He had spent the evening with Stella while she was in labour and had returned home to see Luke a couple of hours after his child was born. Luke was still asleep when he got back and still in his clothes Ashton climbed into bed with him and pulled the blonde man to his chest.

Luke had groaned and turned around so he was facing his boyfriend. His eyes still closed, he asked, "Did she have the baby?"

Ashton hummed and nodded. "A girl. Stella wants you to meet her." Luke smiled and opened his sleepy eyes to see Ashton's face. Ashton was tired himself, but he didn't fail to see the redness in Luke's eyes. "Did you miss me? We haven't slept apart in four months!"

Luke nodded and looked away from Ashton. "I couldn't stop thinking," he admitted. "I kept thinking about Aaron escaping and killing me."

Ashton sighed, reaching forward and caressing Luke's cheek. "You're safe Luke. And remember no one is angry with you. All you have to do is speak in court, to strengthen the case." Both knew it was so much more than that. It was more than Luke telling his story. He was going to have to live through the whole thing again. But he realised that once he said this he would never have to speak of it again if he didn't want to. Aaron would be gone. They would never face each other again.

They had got out of bed not long after. After Ashton insistently kissed Luke for all the times he would have that night if he wasn't out. They bought breakfast at a cafe and ate on the bus to the hospital. Luke asking if Stella was okay and how it went, wanting to think about anything other than his own situation.

And now Stella was placing a baby into his arms. Stella laughed as she handed her daughter to him. Luke had learnt that they had called her Florence. He had known from the previous discussion it was what Stella's grandmother was called and if it were a girl that was what she wanted to choose. Ashton said it sounded nice and agreed. "Relax Luke, she can feel how tense you are!" Luke sat back in the chair and held the small girl against his chest. He smiled down at the little face and wondered what she was thinking. She seemed at peace. Maybe she didn't think, and Luke wondered if that was a blissful state to be in.

Ashton made his way over to the chair beside Luke's. He sat down and placed a supporting hand on his thigh. Luke turned to look at him and grinned. "I've never held a baby before," he said.

"Well, you better practise!" Stella said. "You did agree to babysit her!"

Luke nodded and looked back down. "It seems quite easy. I think I'll get used to it!"

Stella watched him. Ashton had told her about what was happening with Aaron. It was also on the news. But she had the more personal information. How Luke was coping. She had really hoped that Aaron would have stayed out of his life, but even by killing someone else it still affected Luke. They would have to see each other again. Luke would have to prosecute him. It was yet another form of torture for him. All Stella wanted for calmness to evade their life. For something good to finally happen to him.

She looked over at Ashton. He was watching Luke adoringly. "This is nice," she said carefully. "Florence spending her first day with her mother, father and step-ather—"

"Stepfather, we're not married!" Luke looked between the pair who was smiling at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Well," Ashton said, dragging out the word. "You would be her stepfather if you married me."

Luke's eyes widened. "Marry you? Are you asking me to marry you?"

Stella watched eagerly as Ashton nodded. "Yes. Will you marry me?"

Luke nodded his eyes brimming with tears. "Of course!" Stella clapped excitedly and Ashton let out a sigh of relief. He leant forward and kissed Luke's lips softly. He was unsure what Luke would say. If Luke was ready for marriage. If it was the right time. Ashton knew he wanted to marry Luke but he would wait for when Luke was ready. It was Stella's idea. She thought it would be something positive for Luke to have in his life right now.

Ashton didn't have a ring. He didn't want to get one without Luke's permission, as he was so fussy. But he had planned to do it here, at the hospital. Stella didn't mind. It didn't take away from how amazing it was to have a baby. It only made the day more special — perfect even.

Luke smiled down at the baby, wiping tears from his eyes and gently placed his index finger in the small palm. The little finger curled around it, taking Luke's hand.


Okay, I'm sad. There is still so much I can write but this is where it's going to end. And for that one person who thought I was incapable of a happy ending, here it is!

This book I planned when I was still writing hold my hand, I knew I wanted a sequel because of how it turned out. But when I planned it, it was totally different. And the ending would have definitely required a third book. But I prefer this much more.

Thank you so much for reading and sticking by me! Over the past year writing is something I've decided that I want to do for life. I don't really mind what form, as long as I can write. So doing this is a way to improve how I write about garner ideas.

So I have decided to write a new book. It will probably be very different (ish) to my books before. I haven't planned it yet, I just know what types of ideas and social injustices I want to explore. And it may or may not be called Fruitless! So my plan is to plan it this weekend and throughout the week. So there will be no updates next week but if ideas actually come out of my head, maybe you'll get to see something new the week after (if that makes sense)!

Once again thank you so much for all the support. My messages are always open if you need someone to talk to. I hope you all have a lovely week!

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