Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


"Evening!" Stella called out as Ashton entered the kitchen, a couple of bags in his hands. When Ashton didn't answer, too in his head, she repeated louder. "Evening Ashton!"

Ashton smiled at her half-hardheartedly. "Evening love. I picked up a few things," he announced, placing the bags on the side for her to pull out. Stella pulled out some of the food Ashton had picked up. Some fruit, some tea-bags and other essentials they were running low on. She had not asked him to, she didn't need to. It was kind of like a silent acknowledgement they had grown into with their relationship. If they were out, then they could pick up the stuff they needed. Sometimes they'd both buy the same thing and laugh.

From another bag, she pulled out a thin strip of silk fabric and gave an enthusiastic smile. "A new tie?" she queried.

Ashton nodded as he unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt, his chest hairs springing out freely. "Mine are all a bit plain. Don't you like it?" he asked. It had a slight floral pattern in a lighter black to the background.

Stella laughed and put it back in the paper bag. "You've never been the most stylish Ashton! But I'm sure the pattern will entice your patients!"

Ashton rolled his eyes, leaning forward to grab Stella's waist. Pulling her close to his body. She placed her arms around his neck and tilted her head so she could view him perfectly. Ashton let his lips trail down her neck, lingering just long enough to warm the surface. Ashton groaned frustratingly, thrusting his hips closer to her body. She moved her head to reach his ear and whispered. "Later."

After she pulled away, her eyes lowering their graze to examine his crotch knowingly. Leaving Ashton standing there, she made her way to the fridge and began to put the stuff away. She would love to make love to her fiance on their kitchen table, but she knew it wasn't practical. He had work to do, she hadn't eaten in nine hours, not finding a minute for a break during her shift. They couldn't fit a fuck into their schedule right now.

Ashton sat at the table, slouching in one of the high back chairs. His gaze floating aimlessly around the room.

"You're frustrated," Stella remarked as she shut the fridge door. "What's happened?" She didn't just mean sexually, she also means mentally. His mind had shifted somewhere beyond his control. Another reason why she didn't want to do anything.

With honesty Ashton admitted. "I saw Luke today. Met his boyfriend."

"How nice! I hope he was a real knight, for a boy like him," Stella said, watching the back of her fiance. She was beginning to notice a pattern between Ashton's behaviour after he encountered his old university friend whom she had gathered performed the function of a friend with benefits. But, maybe she was mistaken. Maybe it was more or maybe less. She wasn't jealous however, she respected Ashton could have feelings for other people. The real test came with acting upon those feelings.

She heard Ashton laugh, a chesty sad laugh. "He was competing with me. Barely let Luke say a word. And he was yelling before I found them. I don't like him, Stella."

Sighing she sat down beside him, taking both his hands in hers. "Ashton they're not your patients. And you can't be too quick to judge," she told him.

Ashton looked up at her sadly. "I know, but you know when you just get that feeling?"

Stella nodded understandingly. She knew you could sometimes tell when a couple is not meant to be, or their relationship was toxic. But, she also knew her fiance liked to take his work outside of his office and apply it to random people on the streets. "Do you think you're saying this because it's Luke? You are very protective of him Ashton, and you barely know the man."

Ashton shrugged and looked down at their hands that were intertwined. He tried to shake off the feeling of worry and jealously he was feeling. "You haven't got anything planned for Saturday, have you?" he asked, reaching into his trouser pocket and pulling out a card.

She shook her head and took the card from his hand, reading over it. At first, her eyes glazed over with confusion, but soon she realised what it was. "Aaron? Luke's boyfriend?"

Humming in agreement, Ashton explained. "I suggested we go out for a meal. Are you okay with that?"

"Of course! It'll be nice to go out for once. I guess it's a double date!" she laughed, feeling a flush of youth overcome her.

Ashton chuckled. "I think we're past the dating stage. We're already like a married couple!"

Stella looked up at her fiance who was now looking at her adoringly. She ran her finger across the silver band on Ashton's finger. "You don't want to get married yet, do you?"

Ashton shook his head. "Why, do you?"

"No, of course not! I don't think we need it, do we? Maybe if we had a child, but we shouldn't trap ourselves like that."

"It keeps are love fresh, the anticipation of marriage," Ashton agreed. He had seen what marriage had done to the countless couples he counselled every week. The abstract concept seems to alter people, instil false notions in their head. Ashton didn't like marriage, he saw it as a form of abuse in itself. And Stella knew this and respected it. She kind of agreed. The only pro she could see was providing some form of stability for a child. But, she knew Ashton not ready for a child yet either, but she was growing older and knew their chances were getting slimmer.


Sorry this is short I'm running on limited time at the moment. I've only been back at uni for less than a week and I'm already exhausted! So please bear with me for a little while whilst I try and navigate everything.

How is everyone doing? 

I keep forgetting to take my medication and with the stress of uni I'm in a constant state of nausea and pain and I wish I could just remember to do one simple thing. I tried to set reminders but it just doesn't work!

Thank you so much for your support!

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