Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


The typing stopped and the chair moved back against the carpet. Aaron's eyes flickered to the side as he watched Luke leave their office. Leaning his head in his hands, he waited for a minute, listening to the sounds that came from their flat. He heard the kettle fill up with water and the click that indicated it was boiling.

Deciding to work from home, so he could observe Luke's habits closer, he wondered if this was a daily routine for the blonde who sat in front of his laptop for most hours of the day during the weekdays.

Quietly standing up from his own seat, he cautiously made his way to the kitchen.

Leaning against the door Aaron watched his boyfriend with intrigue. Whilst the kettle boiled, Luke leaned up to a cupboard and took out two biscuits. Aaron observed how Luke's joggers were falling down, exposing his pants. His eyes watched the back of Luke, watching his arms place the biscuits quickly into his mouth, whole.

Smiling to himself, Aaron quickly turned around and went back into their office. Staring at his screen but thinking intently about his boyfriend's actions.

He knew his boyfriend's actions were sneaky, and motivated by a pinch of fear. Aaron knew Luke was hungry. His stomach had been making constantly all day, but Aaron hadn't suggested breakfast or lunch and Luke didn't question it.

Knowing exactly what was churning through Luke's mind, Aaron was satisfied. Luke was afraid of him. Afraid of what would happen if Aaron found him eating without him. Aaron didn't think anything would happen, he didn't want to hurt or yell at Luke. He just wanted Luke devoted to him. He wanted Luke to be his forever, with no risk of Luke leaving.

He knew that once Luke was in the right mindset, unquestioningly obedient, then he would introduce food back to the blonde again. And he didn't think there was long to go. However, he was growing to prefer his smaller boyfriend. Always tired and weak, his mind hazy — he relied on Aaron even more.

Knocking Aaron out of his thoughts, Luke placed a mug of coffee on Aaron's desk. "I made you one," he said softly, smiling at Aaron.

Aaron grinned at Luke. "Come here!" He patted his lap. Placing his own cup of tea beside Aaron's he was pulled onto his lap, so the blonde was straddling him. Aaron kissed him sweetly. His lips all over Luke's bare neck. No physical marks were left, but mentally it told Luke he was Aaron's.

His hands cupped Luke's face and squeezed it gently. Luke let his hands rest on Aaron's chest, warm and hard — a symbol of protection. Letting his hands trail down Luke's front, tickling his neck, circling his nipples before falling to his waist.

Slipping his hands under Luke's shirt and gently squeezing his hips. Luke groaned and laid his head against Aaron's chest. His stomach was stirring with repressed excitement. Sliding under his joggers, but politely sitting on top of his pants, Aaron then squeezed his butt before commenting. "I think we need to get you some new clothes!"

Groaning Luke sat back up. "Why, mine are fine?" Luke complained looking down at his t-shirt and jogging bottoms. He had only had them a couple of months. He rarely purchased clothes because either he didn't leave the house or he saw it as paying into capitalism and consumerism. He only got new clothes when they didn't fit or they were old and worn.

"They don't fit, you're losing weight," Aaron whispered, tugging lightly at the back of the cotton material that hung around the blonde's butt.

Luke blushed and looked away.

Aaron pulled his head back to face him. "You're so nearly perfect, it's crazy how lucky I am."

"Perfect," Luke whispered, his eyes clouding over.

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