Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


Smiling down at the used and torn pages Luke re-read the quote again. Silence was his escape. But silence is rarely a refuge. His thoughts still haunted him.

Currently sat in silence, he was trying to use the words on the page to distract himself from the terrifying conversation that was going to occur at any moment. The words were doing nothing. As the quote said, his thoughts were only making his heart race faster and his body shake more.

Luke heard the door close. It sounded louder than it usually did. Luke looked back down at his book, pretending to read. He heard Aaron's footsteps across the wooden floor and into the kitchen. He heard Aaron place his keys down in what he hoped was the usual place. That was where he placed the business card Ashton gave him. He didn't want to start the conversation and hoped Aaron would ask about it.

After a couple of minutes of silence, besides the thumping of his heart, Luke heard Aaron enter the room. He placed his finger on a random word, to make it seem like he was reading, and looked up at his boyfriend as adoringly as possible.

Nonetheless, Aaron was glaring down at the piece of card that looked insignificant in his hand. "What is this Luke?" he asked, trying to keep his voice level and calm.

Luke placed his book down and sat up anxiously. "It's a business card from a friend," he whispered, confused.

"A friend? Luke, do you know what this is for? It's for domestic abuse. What the fuck are you suggesting?" Aaron seethed, tearing the card up into pieces.

Luke's eyes widened and he quickly stood up, rushing over and taking the pieces from Aaron's hands. They now resembled puzzle pieces. His eyes watering Luke shook his head. "No nothing! My friend just wrote their number on there, they just happen to be a counsellor. I'm sorry!"

Standing back and observing the younger man, Aaron looked at the pieces in his hand. His breathing was just as panicked. "You're sure. I don't want no police turning up here? Fuck Luke have you been telling people I hurt you?" He ran his hands through his hair, turning his back to the blonde to let his emotions run free.

"No of course not! Why would you think such a thing? You've never hurt me!" the blonde said, wrapping his arms around the older man's waist.

Aaron took a deep breath and turned around, placing his own arms around Luke's waist and staring down at him sadly. "I would never Luke! I'm sorry, it's a bit of a shock seeing that. It's not something you often have randomly appear in your house."

Luke nodded understandingly, with regret. He didn't think about what the card actually said. The implications it held. And now he had caused another argument between them. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Aaron muttered, kissing the top of Luke's head and hugging him tightly. "I'll never hurt you, Luke. I'd never lay a hand on you, remember that."

Nodding meekly once again, Luke let his head rest against the older man's chest. He let the pieces of card sit tightly in his hand. He knew he had ruined the chance of meeting Ashton now.

"Why do you have a friend who is a domestic abuse counsellor? How did you meet them? You don't exactly have friends Luke," Aaron spoke a few minutes after thinking about the situation.

Luke gulped and clutched his boyfriend tighter. He recalled their last conversation about Ashton. Aaron did not seem to take a liking to him. But, he knew there was no way around it. "You remember Ashton?" he asked shyly.

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