Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter Twenty-one


Letting every step embrace the soft and warm carpet of the stairs, Stella allowed herself to relax. She had finished her shift working at the hospital, rushing through the streets in minus degree weather and strikingly cold rain. The sensation of carpet under her feet after a long shift was enough to bring tranquillity back into her soul.

As soon as she entered her bedroom she stripped off her wet and sticky clothes and pulled out some fresh pyjamas. Whilst pulling up the pyjama bottoms the reflection of the bed in the wardrobe mirror caught her eye. The corner on her side was untucked. Every morning she always ensured the bed was tightly made — after she forced Ashton out of it. She had followed the same routine today.

She knew Ashton went into work later, she wouldn't be surprised if he had got back into bed. But it was on her side, and not his. Stella quickly shoved on her pyjama top and went over to the corner, easily slipping it back into place. The rest of the bed had been neatly smoothed out, only this corner neglected.

Stella sat on the edge of her side of the bed and brought her pillow to her lap. She had read enough novels to know that was where the evidence lay. She wondered if Ashton had led on her side — if he missed her and wanted to embrace her scent. But, she also knew that he'd just spray himself with her perfume if he wanted that. She'd caught him enough times with the expensive bottle in his hands.

Slowly she brought the pillow up to her nose and calmly sniffed it. She instantly recognises a cologne that neither belongs to her or Ashton. A cologne she had smelt plenty of times on a pretty blonde man.

She felt her heart leap. She felt her stomach churn, a stomach that was already uneasy with morning sickness. Carefully she put the pillow back from it came from and sat for a moment on the edge of the bed, wondering what had happened between the pair.

She really had trusted Luke. She trusted him more than her husband. Stella truly thought he'd be too scared, to considerate to hurt her like this. She knew Ashton couldn't control his feelings, but she held hope that Luke might have some sense.

Stella had expected to cry when she eventually found her fiance cheating. She knew it was going to happen sooner or later with the increasing presence of the younger man in their lives. She wondered when it had started — before or after she told Ashton she was pregnant. She figured after; Ashton wanting something he could control. Not like Aaron controlled the blonde, but something in his life he could choose and wanted.

There was a sudden sense of pity. Would Ashton end the affair once he came to terms with the pregnancy? And what happened if Aaron found out? She could yell at Ashton all she wanted, but that would never equate to the single word damage he could do to Luke.

Stella took a deep breath and stood up, brushing the creases out of the bed and leaving what felt like a crime scene alone. She was now part of the crime, she had touched and uncovered evidence, and she was going to keep it a secret. She didn't know what else to do.

She could confront Ashton but he'd either leave her or leave Luke — she didn't want either of those. She'd rather wait and see what came out naturally, even if that meant she felt used in the process. Stella didn't doubt that Ashton loved her, but she did doubt that he loved her enough to choose her. The only way she could leave this situation with some dignity was for Ashton to feel enough guilt to tell her. She couldn't scream at him and argue, she needed Ashton to respect her and tell her the truth. It was the only way for the baby, the only way they could be civil if he chooses to be with Luke.


Sorry it's short. I didn't want to drag it out longer than it had to be but also felt this had to be written. I also suck at writing description, I much prefer writing dialogue!

How is everyone doing? I've spend the first half of this reading week writing an essay and today I'm gonna stay in bed and read two books which I have been looking forward to doing all week. I'm reading Little Women for the third time for one of my courses, and I'm also finally getting around to reading Atwood's dearly which is a poetry collection. I have never read any of her poetry before so I hope it's as wonderful as her prose.

Thank you so much for all the love and the support. 

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