Chapter Twenty-three

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Chapter Twenty-three


Ashton sat down opposite Stella and grinned at the stir fry that was in front of him. "I needed this!"

"Work busy?" she asked, slightly withdrawn.

"Very," Ashton agreed. "Some of the appointments didn't save in my calendar. There were people walking through the door who I didn't prepare for. It was a mess!"

Stella smiled amused at the frantic image of her fiance. He was never an organised man, but he dealt well with structure and planning, a tip he told her he learnt from a uni friend that had changed his life — now she began to wonder if that friend was Luke. He fit the description.

"And how was your day? You seem down?" Ashton asked noticing the dark circles under her eyes. He wondered if it were just symptoms of pregnancy or if there were other burdens keeping her awake.

"I saw Luke today," Stella said gravely. She didn't know if Ashton already knew, but if he did she knew he couldn't keep this secret quiet.

"That's nice. Did you go shopping after work?" he questioned, knowing that she usually went straight from work to home and vice versa. The pair had little time for spontaneity and diversions, and they didn't like it either.

Stella shook her head. "No, he was at the hospital. He was only passing by, I don't think he saw me. I think Aaron might have recognised me though."

Ashton let his fork clatter back onto his plate and stared at Stella with a serious expression. "Hospital? Stella, please don't tell me he's in the hospital? Please say he was just visiting someone."

Stella shook her head sadly. "I think he might have been unconscious, poor guy. Aaron seemed worried, but there were no marks so I don't think he hurt him—"

"He's hurt him! He's still the reason why—"

"Ashton we don't know the full story. We both know Luke's dealing with problems of his own," Stella said, trying to calm her fiance who looked like he was about to race out of the door. She knew Aaron would be by Luke's side for most of the time, there was no safe time for him to visit. If he were to go, he might be putting Luke in danger.

"But you don't understand, Aaron is the cause of those problems. He is the problem!" Ashton continued, trying to formulate a plan.

"He might be. But if you want to see him, Ashton, I think you're going to have to be careful—"

"Careful? What do you mean careful? We're friends Stella. Friends are allowed to visit people who are sick," Ashton rambled, trying not to get too flustered. He was a deer in the headlights.

Stella sighed and stood up, leaving her plate half full. She clutched onto the work surface with both hands and stared at the grey tiles trying to control the tears brewing in her eyes. "I don't think Luke has friends Ashton. Well at least he doesn't have friends that Aaron knows about," Stella formulated carefully.

"I know, but—"

"If you want to see Luke, he needs to invite you. You can't just show up, he's only going to get more overwhelmed," Stella concluded, finally turning back around to look at her fiance, a sad smile on her face.

"Do you not want me to see him?  I don't understand? Why don't you come with me? You're the one who told me he was there—"

Stella shook her head firmly. She didn't want to see the blonde man. She didn't want to mix her pity with her anger. She was angry at him as she was her fiance. A wave of anger that she knew was temporary and she could overcome. But Stella knew she couldn't see Ashton's lover, see them together just yet, without her heart breaking. "Just wait for a little Ashton. He'll call you if he needs you."

"I want to help him," Ashton whispered, his heart aching at being stuck in the comfort of his own home whilst the man he loves was suffering in the grasp of someone else.

"And you will help him. But I don't think right now is the right time," Stella advised.

Ashton stood up and made his way over to her. Wrapping his arms around her body and hugging her tightly. Stella hugged him back. It was platonic, she could feel that. It was a hug of gratitude and relief. They were hugging as if they were friends.

"You're right," Ashton concluded. "You're always right. I don't know what I'd do without you. I'd probably be in prison!" Stella laughed but refused to pull away from the embrace, her eyes filling with tears once again. "I know you don't want to be involved, I understand that — but will you see him tomorrow, just check he's okay for me?"

Stella nodded meekly. She didn't want to fuel their relationship but she also couldn't say no to her fiance. "I'll see him on my lunch break. Maybe I'll take him some nice lunch!"

Ashton pulled away and smiled thankfully. "I don't think he'd like that! Maybe some flowers? Maybe I'll get you both some flowers!"


I feel like this is pretty chaotic to read so I'm sorry! Read from it what you will.

So to continue to talk about little women as everyone seemed to enjoy that - it turns out I've only read 1/2 the book. My edition which is quite an old UK one only contains Little Women and not the Good Wives which is the second volume published later but is usually combined in US editions. So that explains why the film is so much different from the book. And now I have to rush and read the second part so I can write my essay in it. Alcott's upbringing and history is fascinating though, I recommend taking a look at it.

Anyway, how is everyone doing? I  got to take a look at the English modules I can take next year and I really hope I get the ones I like.

Thank you so much for reading. 

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