Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty


Two months Luke had been isolated from the world now and he was growing more anxious to enter back into it. He knew he was going to live with Ashton. Stella and Ashton had accepted him with open arms. But he had not told Aaron.

"It feels good to be eating," Luke said as Ashton sat opposite him with a cup of coffee. This was routine for them now. Meeting once a week. Talking and maybe arguing a little. But they both liked it. They both felt safe — Aaron couldn't find them. Ashton was hesitant to have Luke live with him. He was worried about Stella. If it would hurt her, or if Aaron would hurt her and the baby.

"Yeah?" Ashton said, snapping out of his thoughts. Ashton had arrived ten minutes ago. They had hugged and kissed and Luke had grinned at his flowers but nothing was said beyond that. Ashton always waited for Luke to speak.

Luke nodded. "After all this suffering, it feels good. I don't think food has ever tasted like this before. It's like some weird hedonism!"

Ashton laughed slightly. "I've been told you're taking it slowly. That you're still skipping meals but I shouldn't be worried?" Ashton often talked with Daniel before he left. If Luke was to be living with him, he'd need to know roughly what he was going to be dealing with.

"I'm scared," Luke admitted. "I'm scared that the pleasure will fade and the suffering will begin again. So I'm trying to balance it."

"Are you scared of what will happen once you leave here?" Because Ashton was. Luke could change his mind. He was still fragile. He could crack or he could be moulded back into the submissive man he had entered here as. He could so easily run back to Aaron. Aaron was free out there in the world to hurt him or anyone.

Luke remained quiet for a moment, looking down at his lap. "No," he concluded. "I think I'm ready to leave." Luke had already talked this through with Daniel. They had both agreed he was ready. They would both talk to Ashton today about the next steps.

Remaining calm Ashton accepted what Luke said. "Right. And you still want to live with Stella and me?" he checked

"I want to live with you Ashton. And Stella. I do really like her and she really helps me. I know it's going to be awkward but at least it's safe?"

"Of course. We wouldn't hurt you. We have a room for you and we want you to live there like we don't exist. If you ask us for help, we'll help. But we're just giving you a safe space to exist," Ashton explained. He and Stella had talked this through. She agreed instantly and Ashton was shocked. She saw no other option for him to live with them. She didn't think he could live alone and she would never let him go back to Aaron.

"What about us?"

"I don't know Luke. Like you said it's awkward. We can't upset her and I don't want to upset you either. But it would look weird if I didn't act like I normally do around here."

"I understand," Luke agreed, a lump forming in his throat. "We'll figure it out."


The following day Luke was sat beside Aaron, Daniel opposite them, watching the pair uncomfortably. He had watched Aaron take Luke's hand harshly and give in a sharp squeeze. He understood what the man was doing but he couldn't do much about it.

When Aaron had turned to look at him he revealed, "Luke is ready to leave now. We've been talking through what he wants to do over the past couple of days and it's all been decided."

Aaron had been through this routine countless times with his patients and frowned. "Should I have not been informed? If he's living with me I have to know what arrangements are needed?"

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