Chapter 6: Broken

Start from the beginning

I laughed in disbelief.. "So are you saying it's my fault!?.. I tried didn't I? I tried to comfort you and be there for you but you're the one who keeps pushing me away!"

"Because you always reminded me of losing my baby!"

"It's your fault why he died!"

Hearing it coming from her just made me want to kill myself.  It's painful when she made me feel how she blames me but, I didn't know it's more painful hearing it from her.

"So you finally said it-"

"-but how could you do this to me" I cried in pain..

She seems to realize everything what she have said and looked at me guiltily..

"Is that enough for you to cheat on me?" I asked tears starting to roll down to my face..

"Do you think you're the only one hurting.. I myself is feeling so much pain as you do.. I know I have some faults but to blame it entirely to me..  isn't that too much"

"I should have realized it sooner"

"The day that we lost our child I have also lost you.. why did I still hold on and let this thing happened.." I weakly said not wanting to argue anymore.

It already happened, I already found out about it.

What else can I do, get mad and throw things.. would that change anything..

"Let's finish what we have Jen" I said with finality.. and her eyes widen..

I removed my ring and show it to her..  "This.. I should have think carefully before putting something like this into your finger and mine!"

I then throw it away as she looked at me hurt..

It hurts me to let go of her but what am I still holding on when she obviously let go of us..

"No Lisa! I don't want to!" She shake her head gripping on my hands

"I-I'll send you the d-ivorce papers as soon as I can" I said painfully..

Every words I spit are like broken glass that lacerates my throat for me not to speak clearly..

"I won't sign it,. Lisa let's talk about this properly let your anger subside before saying anything like this.. don't bring up the matter of divorce"..

"And what! Got cheated again by you..  it's not impossible for you not to do this again!"

"You shouldn't have cheated on the first place.. You know how I hate those kind of people! It made me remember my horrible father who countlessly cheated on my mother!!"

When I was young my real father brings home different women when my mother is gone. I don't know what it is at first because of innocence but as I grow up the two of them is constantly fighting because of it and made me understand everything.

My mother broke up with him after giving him many chances and years of hoping that he would change but he didn't.

And I hate him because of that. He made me hate people like him who cheated on their partner..

Thankfully my Mom have found someone that will love her truly and that is my stepdad Marco.

And I thought I also found mine.. but I am wrong.. I also got cheated by the person I love.

I once promise to myself that I would never be like Mom who gave many chances to my father but in the end he broke his promise and our family.

Once is enough, you wouldn't know when will your partner cheat on you again. And Jennie..

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