Gray beat the shit out of Bryce, Desmond, and Oswald. He literally sent them to the emergency room. As a result, Gray got expelled from Byuksan Middle School and blacklisted from local high schools.

"You know," Donald said. "I meant for you to beat them up where there are no witnesses,"

"What's done is done," Gray shrugged. "Looks like I won't be able to attend a prestigious high school like Yeo-Il. Ms. Lee was able to enroll me into Eunjang High School though,"

"That's a pretty shitty school," Donald commented. "But I'm sure your grades will get you into the best university. Remember: If you're gonna get into a fight, make sure you win," He put a hand to Gray's shoulder. "If you ever need my help, call me and I'll be there right away,"


"That loser over there...don't you think he kinda looks like a chick? All short and pale looking. Might look alright if we force him to wear a dress. Look, even his lashes are long, hehe,"

"Oh you're talking about Gray Yeon?" 

"Even his name is feminine," 

"The fuck? What if he really is a girl?"

"Then how about we take a look and see what he's got down there? Hehehe," Colton walked over to Gray, who had been focused on studying, and grabbed the smaller boy by the front of his shirt and by his crotch. "Oh shit! Oh, he's a man alright! He's packing, too! This son of a bitch! This dude, he's got an anaconda down there!"

Gray saw red. He elbowed Colton in the throat, causing him to release his hold. Gray didn't wait for Colton to regain his composure and kicked him in the groin before tying his wrists with his bag strap and forcing him to his knees. Gray began to punch Colton. In canon, his body was frailer and he slapped the shit outta Colton. But in this story, because he had worked out with Donald, he was stronger than his canon counterpart.

"You really don't get it do you?" Gray dropped Colton to the ground and kicked him in the face a few times before changing his target to Colton's torso. "If you dare make a scene in my classroom ever again, I'll gouge your eyes out,"

Yeah...Donald's influence on Gray may have made him more vicious in fights compared to his canon counterpart.


"Are you being bullied?" Donald asked when he visited his mother and brother and saw that Gray's backpack was soaking wet (courtesy of one Teddy Jin).

"I can handle it myself," Gray claimed. 

"If you ever need help—"

"I know," Gray cut him off. "But I don't need your help. I'm just waiting for the right moment. I need to show those fuckers that I can fight back without any help. You're not always going to be there to help me, Donald. Like I said, I'm waiting for the right moment to get my revenge,"

And the next day, Gray indeed got his revenge with a curtain, a chair, a can of coke, and a retractable baton.


Phillip Kim dropped the backpack onto the ground in front of Jimmy Bae. "Aye Phillip, what's with the bag?" Jimmy asked.

"Oh, this? Hehe," Phillip answered. "It's just from the fucker that beat up Helmet,"

Gray's phone, which had been on silent, buzzed with vibration inside the backpack. Still waiting for Ben Park to appear, Jimmy decided to mess with Gray's belongings. He dug through Gray's backpack and took out the white phone. The person calling was listed as the contact Vampire. 

"Heh, I bet it must be the fucker's nerd friend," Phillip said.

"Well, let's see if they'll come and try to save their friend," Jimmy laughed and answered the call.

"Hey Gray, I've got some free time so if you want, I can drive you to your cram school instead so you don't have to walk,"

Jimmy immediately hung up. "Hey...that voice..."

"W-Wasn't that Donald Na's voice?" Phillip asked nervously. "There's no way that fucker has Donald Na's number!"

"Yeah, it must've been someone who just has a similar voice," Jimmy regained his composure. "You're getting worked up over nothing, Phillip,"


Donald narrowed his eyes as he parked his car and got out. 'That wasn't Gray who answered. He wouldn't hang up on me like this. If he accidentally hung up on me, he would've called back immediately. If he was busy, he wouldn't have answered the call in the first place,'

Donald may or may not have grown overprotective of his little brother and may or may not have installed a tracker into said little brother's phone.

So that's how Donald ended up at the incinerator near the back gates of Eunjang High School.

"Ay, this bag's from the fucker who busted Helmet's skull, so take it and go block the exits,"

The unnamed Yoosun goon was about to head over to the side of the building, when he saw the Union head. "D-Donald Na!"

"What!?" Everyone whipped their heads to face the older teen.

Donald once again called his brother's phone and he glared at Jimmy when he heard the buzzing coming from the backpack. "That bag," His voice sent shivers down everyone's spines. "Give it to me,"

The goon shakily gave it to him.

"Jimmy Bae," Donald's anger was now directed towards the school head. "Where the fuck is my little brother!?"

Jimmy had never seen his boss so pissed off before. He had only seen Donald fight with a playful bloodthirsty grin.

"ANSWER ME!" Donald grabbed Jimmy by his throat and despite Jimmy being taller, Donald easily held him up in the air. "WHERE IS GRAY YEON!?"


"WHERE IS HE!?" Donald began to bash Jimmy's face against the incinerator.

"I don't know!"

"You have his backpack!" Donald pointed out. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" He dropped Jimmy to the ground and began to kick him without holding back his strength. 


Donald immediately let Jimmy go and turned to his little brother. "Gray, are you alright!?"

"I'm fine," Gray answered. "I just got here because some bastard stole my bag,"

"Here," Donald handed the bag over to him. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, I'm fine," Gray replied. 

"Let's still get you checked out at the hospital just in case," Donald led him away from the others.

Meanwhile, everyone who had witnessed the entire thing was wondering what the fuck was going on.

If it isn't obvious from most of my stories, I really like Donald being a protective big brother.

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