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The next day we all met up in the morning like usual, but Elain had some new information.

"I had a vision. I know who the Dark and Death are," Elain hesitated.

"Get on with it." Amren demanded.

"The Dark is Phoenix," I shot Rhys a questioning look and he just shrugged as if to say that he had no idea who she was talking about, then Elain added, "She's an assassin, one of Prythian's Three so none of you would now her."

Cassian seemed to start paying more attention at the name of the notorious group of assassins.

I had to admit, now I was intrigued too.

"And the Death," She started, "I can explain that after we go see Nix-"

"Nix?" Lucien interrupted, "You know this assassin?"

"She's... a close friend." Elain said carefully.

"How are you friends with an assassin?" I asked bluntly, not caring if I sounded rude. By now, I knew Elain could handle it.

"That is very a long story that Nix and I will explain when we get there."

I reluctantly nodded.

"Feyre and Nesta are obviously going to need to go-" She started.

Why is it obvious that Nesta and I need to go?

"We need Cassian and Az to be lookouts," Aelin piped in, "We're going to be... distracted."

Cassian looked like he was going to argue, but decided against it.

Elain rolled her eyes, "So obviously Ae's coming then. Who else-"

"I'll go." Lucien said.

"Fine." Elain sounded irritated. "Everyone else can stay back to guard the Wyrdkey."

"Don't forget about me, Elain." Amren flashed a vicious smile and I could've sworn Elain smirked in response.

"Great, now, can you tell me where it is so Mor and I can winnow you all there?" Rhys asked, implying that him and Mor were going too.

Elain smiled slowly, "You can't winnow there,"

Aelin smiled too.

This was not going to be fun.

_____LINE BREAK_____

We'd been hiking for about half an hour and I was exhausted already.

Elain and Aelin hadn't even broken a sweat yet, as if this was just a stroll in the gardens, not a treacherous hike through the forest.

Rhys, Cassian, Azriel, Amren and Mor were doing fine keeping up with them, but Nesta, Lucien and I were huffing and puffing already.

"How much longer," Nesta panted.

"We're about to be there," Elain told her through clenched teeth, pissed from the last three times she asked.

Ten minutes later we were standing at the edge of a huge clearing. Right in the center there was a small, run-down shack.

Elain groaned, "She changed the wards again." She sighed and looked over at Cassian and Az, "You two stay here, everyone else, follow me."

We all walked right behind her as she stepped into the shack, but right when she got to the door she stopped.

I felt a familiar power pulse through the clearing and different magic writhed in response.

Elain looked around suspiciously 

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