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I heard a groan of pain from the room next to me.

Cassian's room.

I lunged out of bed, throwing on pants before grabbing Truth-Teller and sprinting into Cass's room.

I threw open the door just as Rhys winnowed in. He had also jumped out of bed, put some pants on, and grabbed the nearest weapon before coming here. We were both in our fighting stances ready to attack whoever was in here, when we saw Cass. 

Rhys and I both walked over to him, concern filling our features. He managed to sit up hissing in pain. He looked at both of us and horror flashed over his features.

He looked at his, still barely healed, wings. "Am I going to lose them?" He said, so low that I barely caught it.

When neither of us answered he looked back up, "Am I?" His voice broke.

I had a pained expression on my face and I didn't even try to cover it up.

"Cass," Rhys began carefully, "Your wings are very delicate. And the healers aren't exactly sure how- if," Cassian let out a noise that sounded like a whimper, "They're trying their best, and they say right now it's still too early to tell, but" he trailed off.

"We will be with you, no matter what happens." I said, trying not to convey the grief I felt in my voice.

I sat down on the bed next to Cass and I could feel Rhys doing the same on the other side. We each put an arm around him and sat there. 

Not talking. 

Not moving.

Just sitting silently with each other. Taking comfort in each other's company.

_____LINE BREAK_____

Eventually Cassian started to get better and he started doing some basic training exercises. Rhys and I were right there with him.

"Hey Az?" He called hesitantly.

I stopped and faced him.

"Can we go try to fly to the House today?"

He had started flying already, but just hovering, or flying around the townhouse and then coming back down. I didn't know if he was ready to fly up there, but he seemed desperate in a way, so I said yes.

When we got there he was exhausted, panting and gasping for breath. I knew that he wouldn't want me to tell him to take a break, he was too proud, he would deny it. 

"Cass, I'm going to take a break," His eyes narrowed and I knew he saw it for the blatant lie that it was, but gratitude shone in his eyes all the same.

I started to walk away and heard Cass walking too. He was moving urgently, with a purpose. 

So naturally I was curious. I knew I shouldn't but I sent a shadow to see what he was doing. 

He stopped outside of the Viper's room my shadow reported back He's listening for her.

He kept wandering until he found the library. He took a deep breath and opened the door, throwing on a cocky grin, "Hey Nes,"

Her head snapped up and relief shone in her eyes before it was masked by contempt and rage, "Don't call me that,"

I decided now was the time to stop listening.

I started walking around the House, not knowing what I was looking for, but looking for something all the same. 

I found myself outside of Elain's room. A shadow, without my permission, went in and saw her facing the window.

I opened up the door and her head snapped to me, "Hello Azriel" She said quietly. She cocked her head and looked me in a way that made me shiver. She plastered on a saccharine sweet smile, "Would you like to sit"

I nodded mutely and sat in the chair next to her. We just sat in silence, it wasn't an awkward or uncomfortable silence, bit a pleasant, comfortable silence. 

Then I felt her watching me. No, assessing me with a predator's gaze. Again, curious.

I heard Cassian calling me "Aaaaazriellllll, AAAZZZZ-rielllll, AAAAAZZZZZ-riieeeeeell" I rolled my eyes.

I was about to leave but, "Do you want to come again tomorrow?" 

I whipped around to face Elain, who was waiting for an answer. "I- yes"



"AAAAAZZZ-rIIIEEEEELlllllll!" Cassian screamed again.

A ghost of a smile played on her lips and that alone could've brought me to my knees.

Then before he screamed again, shadow-walked over to Cassian 

"Cauldron Cass," I slapped him lightly upside the head, "come on."

I could tell he was sticking his tongue out at me as I walked over to the balcony.

Without turning back, I flipped him off and jumped into the air.

_____LINE BREAK_____

We followed that pattern for another week or so, Cass and I going up to the House, him talking with Nesta, and Elain and I sitting in that peaceful silence. Then-


"You can call me Az, if you like." I said looking over at her. Even like this, gaunt and pale, she still looked beautiful, not that there was ever any doubt.

"Ok.. Az?"


"Can I tell you something" She looked extremely nervous.

"Anything Elain, you don't have to hide from me." She looked slightly more at ease.

"I... see things" she said carefully.

"What sort of things"

"I see her," she started.

"Who is she" I asked, now very interested.

"I- I don't know, but everyone thinks that she is dead. She isn't though, she's alive, just different. She was changed. I saw a feather of fire land on the snow and melt it. I saw young hands wither with age. I saw a box of black stone." She glanced at the window for a moment before meeting my eyes, "Do you think I'm going mad."

"No Elain," She nodded and looked away again, I could tell that she didn't believe me.

I got up and walked over to her, kneeling in front of her, "I mean it Elain. You are not going mad, the Cauldron changed you in ways that we don't yet understand. We just have to wait, it will take time, but we will find out what's going on, and we will fix it, I swear it." 

Her eyes snapped to me at that. "Thank you Azriel. Az" she corrected with a soft smile. I gave her one of my own before leaving to go to the townhouse with Cass.

I felt a small ember awaken inside of me with that one smile, and I let it burn.

April 5, 2021 - I will continue

I honestly didn't mean to write this much today. I just got an idea and started to write it down and this happened😂😂 
For anyone who's just reading this for the crossover, I'll get to it soon. Right now I just need to write a bit of Elriel to start off but one of the next chapters will be in Terrasen.

fyi I'm prob gonna be updating pretty often right now

A Court of Fire and Shadows -ON BREAK!!!-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon