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Mor sat down next to Az and I, glancing between the two of us and our intertwined hands. We watched Cassian in silence when suddenly Rhys walked in, Aelin behind him.

He looked around, "Where's Feyre?"

I saw Mor's face twist into an expression of betrayal and horror, "I- Rhys, I- She said- She told me to go, that she would be fine at the camp, that I should go help-"

Rhys shook his head, "Do you have an idea of where she went?"

Mor shook her head, "No, but," She turned to me, softening her voice, "Elain, do you know where she went? Did you See anything?"

I just shook my head, mutely.

"Elain, you must've seen something, right." Rhys pressed.

I looked at him, blinked once, and went back to watching Cassian.

"Elain," Mor said again, a little bit harsher, "Elain, where is she. I know she told you something."

Azriel stiffened almost imperceptibly at her tone. I rested my head on his shoulder and ignored her. 

Rhys stepped in front of me, "Elain," He warned, "You need to tell us now, or-"

Aelin barked a high pitched laugh, "Or what. Either she doesn't tell you shit, or you torture her." The healer flinched when she heard that, "Even if you did torture her, I have no doubt that she could stand up to whatever you could put her through."

"Aelin," I hissed to her, trying to convey that she needs to shut up

"What?" She shrugged, "It's true, we all know it is."

Rhys cocked his head, "And why would she be able to-"

"Why didn't you do that earlier," Mor asked her flatly, interrupting her cousin.

"Do what, my little fire display?" She summoned a little wisp of fire and made crowns on top of her head and my own, I glared at her again, but she just smiled, "Because I need to save up my power to kill the kings and Maeve. Obviously none of you would be able to do it, you need fire. And that Autumn asshole is way too weak to kill even one of them."

"Isn't your power 'like a god's', why couldn't you afford to use that much" Rhys inquired.

"Yes it is 'like a god's' as you all are so fond of saying, and I'm going to need every drop of it, I can't waste any. What I did back there, would barely one of the valg kings a scratch, much less a queen." She shook her head, "No, I'm going to need every last ounce of my magic, I only did that, because Cassian was dying, and I don't hate him. And," She gestured to me, "Ellie would be pissed if she knew that I could've saved one of her m- sister's friends," She corrected, and I narrowed my eyes at her, she couldn't possibly know that we were mates, could she? Azriel didn't even know, right?

Mor opened her mouth to say something but Rhys cut her off, "Mor, we need to go talk to Nesta, then I will go to the war tent and talk with the other, and Az," He glanced at Az who hadn't so much as looked over at him, "Az, you can stay here with Cassian." He looked at me again, clearly still a little pissed that I wouldn't tell them about Feyre, but his voice was overly gentle as he spoke again, "Elain, do you want to go back to your tent now?"

Aelin growled at his tone, but I merely looked at Rhys, "No, I'm fine here."

"Elain, are you sure-" He started.

"Ellie, is fine. If she wants to stay, she can stay." Aelin told Rhys, shoving him out of the tent, then following behind him. No doubt to find Rowan and the rest of the Erileans to see how they were doing.

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