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We debated for almost four days about what to do. Surprisingly Elain wasn't hesitant to pitch in. Even more surprisingly, her advice made sense. It was as if she had been trained in battle- in war.

Eventually, we decided that the only thing we could do, was go and confront Hybern.

I hated that idea, it was like asking for death, but the valg weren't there yet, it would be best to wipe out the mortal troops before battling the demons.

The day after that, we moved out.

We marched down to the human lands, cutting through Elain's village. There was nothing left but smoking cinders and crumbled stone.

And our father's estate... One third of the house remained standing, the rest was wrecked. Windows shattered, walls cracked down to the foundation.

Elain's garden was trampled, burned. Only rotting plants remaining.

I carefully looked over at her, expecting to see mourning in her face, but she didn't even seem to notice. She was busy talking and laughing with some of the Erileans, who had decided to make the males command the troops, although I could see that everyone in their armies, knew that the females were in charge. That the females were the ones they should listen to.

I hoped that Prythian could be like that someday. That we could understand that females can be powerful, and it isn't a bad thing.

Moving this army was much more complicated than moving the Erileans armies. The Erileans had an order that they all willingly followed, we never had to threaten them because they wanted the order.

Even with the chaos there was always some sort of order to it.

An order that apparently did not exist within the Prythian armies. 

The Illyrians were especially testy, yanking at the leash, even under Devlon's strict command. They were annoyed that they had to wait for the other, that they couldn't fly and intercept Hybern, stop them before they could select the battlefield to their advantage.

I watched Cassian lay into two different captains within the span of three hours, watched him reassign the grumbling soldiers to hauling carts and wagons of supplies, pulling some off the honor of being on the front lines. As soon as the others saw that he meant every word, every threat, the complaining ceased. At least for now.

Keir and his Darkbringers watched Cassian too, and they were wise enough to keep any discontent off their tongues, their faces. To keep marching their dark armor growing muddier with every passing mile.

During the midday break in a large meadow, Nesta and I climbed inside one of the supply caravan's covered wagons to change into Illyrian fighting leathers. When we emerged Nesta even buckled a knife at her side. Cassian had insisted, yet he'd admitted that since she was untrained, she was just as likely to hurt herself as she was to hurt someone else. 

I approached Elain with a set of leathers. She took one look at our leathers and covered her mouth. In horror perhaps at how much was on display? Aelin burst out laughing. I glared at her as Viviane came to the rescue, she offered a Winter Court fashion that was far less scandalous. Leather pants, but paired with a thigh length blue surcoat, white fur trimming the collar. Elain raised her eyebrows at that, she politely refused them before turning to ask Aelin for leathers.

Aelin's face lit up, and she dragged Elain into the mass of witches who had landed to give their wyverns a break from flying, not that they seemed to need it.

They reappeared a few moments later, Elain wearing witch leathers -that were far more skintight than the Illyrian leathers- and looking much more comfortable for whatever reason.

Cassian walked over to her and held out a knife.

She took it and Cassian jolted as she threw it in the air and caught it again. But she frowned and handed it to Aelin. Aelin took it and weighed, then shook her head and handed it back to Cassian before walking off in search of a better knife.

I saw Rhys turn to watch as Azriel moved Cassian aside and extended Elain another option.

"This is Truth-Teller," he told her softly, "I won't be using it today so I want you to."

His wings had healed, though long thin scars raked down them. Still not strong enough to fly today, Madja had warned him.

The argument with Rhys this morning had been swift and brutal. Azriel insisted he could fly, fight with the legions, as they'd planned. Rhys refused. Cassian refused. Azriel had threatened to slip into shadow and fight anyway. Rhys merely said that if he so much as tried, he'd chain Azriel to a tree.

Azriel had finally relented. Agreed to be eyes and ears and nothing else. I had no idea what had caused the sudden change.

And now, standing amongst the signing meadow grasses in his Illyrian armor, all seven siphons gleaming.

Elain smiled softly. She reached out to take the knife, looking up at him as her fingers curled around the blade.

Cassian gawked at Azriel and I wondered how often Azriel had lent out that blade-

Never, Rhys said into my mind, I have never once seen Azriel let another person touch that knife.

I knew he was conflicted. 

He wanted to say something, Az was knowingly and willingly breaking his High Lord's orders, which was completely uncharacteristic.

But, there was wonder and confusion in Rhys' voice. If Azriel had never let another person so much as touch Truth-Teller, then why did he trust Elain enough to let her -unexperienced and untrained- wield Truth-Teller.

Elain placed the knife in her sheath and glared at Rhys as if daring him to say something.

Rhys narrowed his eyes but he nodded and turned back to his weapons. Cassian walked away, though he kept looking over his shoulder at Az, questioning in his eyes.

Elain looked up at Az again and he raised an eyebrow. She just smiled wider Azriel rolled his eyes, but there was a soft smile on his face.

Elain took a few steps away and looked over her shoulder at Az who was now looking at Rhys. He seemed torn, but Elain rolled her eyes again and took his hand. He turned back to her, his eyes softening, and let himself be dragged away by my sister.

It was as if he physically could not stay away from her.

I wonder why.

I will continue

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