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"Ae, come on, everyone else agreed. Besides this is what they expect me to be doing, so until I decide to tell them, we need to do stuff like this." I said, trying to drag Aelin into the garden.

"But Ellie," Aelin whined, heels digging into the ground, "Didn't Rowan already warn you what happened last time I tried to garden."

"Well that doesn't matter right now, now that they know you were an assassin, we need to show them that you won't kill me," I smirked at her, "Not that you even could."

She glared at me, "Come on Ae, just thirty minutes and then we can go train."

"Fine" She crossed her arms and half stomped outside.

"Ah, so you finally decided to join us." Manon said with a lazy grin on her face, Aelin just flipped her off in return.

Manon and Elide were the only ones who seemed even slightly interested in this, I practically had to drag Azriel out here too and Lysandra only came because she could just shift into a ghost leopard and sleep outside.

Manon, Elide and I picked out red roses, Aelin had a yellow one and (big surprise) Azriel had a blue one.

I quickly showed them how to hold it so they didn't get pricked by the thorns and we quickly planted them, well all of us except Aelin. 

She had about a dozen little cuts all over her hands and arms, the majority of them were still bleeding a bit. 

She got stabbed one more time and-

"What the fuck, Aelin!" Elide yelled.

Aelin now had a ring of fire surrounding her, "Sorry, sorry," she put out the flames quickly before anyone got burned. 

Surprisingly, Azriel wasn't flinching away like I had seen him do on countless other occasions. Usually if there is fire, especially uncontrolled fire, he moves away, the memories of his past flashing behind his eyes, but he didn't seem to be bothered by Aelin's fire. He knew that I trusted her not to hurt us, so he trusted me.

Suddenly I heard Feyre and Rhys approaching, but they didn't step outside. From the looks on everyone's faces, I knew they were aware of them too.

"Ae," I said still smiling with my arms crossed, "I thought we agreed to keep the magic down."

All of us were still grinning from ear-to-ear, well except Az, but he was still smiling, a small smile, but a smile nonetheless. 

"Come on Ellie, if we absolutely need to do this before we leave, at least let me do it my way."

Lysandra, who was still curled up against me, let out a noise that sounded like a cross between a purr and a growl, she seemed to be saying 'your way is burning the entire garden to ashes.' 

Aelin scowled, "No one asked for your opinion Lysandra."

"Rhys," Manon said, twisting to look at them, "you and Feyre can come out now, we all knew you were there. There's a reason that Az is the spymaster." Elide and Aelin snickered at that as my grin faded

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Az, who was still sitting next to me, shoot me a worried look. I subtly squeezed his hand to let him know that I was ok.

Rhys and Feyre stepped forwards, "We heard Elide scream and wanted to make sure nothing had happened."

"And what would've happened, Rhysand," Manon said sharply, her gaze now icy and piercing.

He shrugged, "We thought maybe the assassin," He spat the word out like an insult, "had done something."

Manon snorted, she whispered to us too soft for Rhys and Feyre to hear "Which assassin," Az, Elide and I chuckled at that.

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