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I walked into my tent, sitting down at the desk. Slowly, carefully easing the braids out of my hair. I groaned at the thought of how long it would take to undo it all.

But, I would gladly do it again. If it means spending more time with Elain, anything.

I sat in silence for a while, picking at my hair. Then Mor breezed into the tent, sitting down on my bed, "Make yourself at home, why don't you." I told her sarcastically, not bothering to turn and face her.

"I need to tell Feyre, Az." There was something in her tone... I froze when I realized what she was talking about. I turned to face her, a braid still between two fingers, "I-" She stopped as she looked at me again. A wild grin spreading across her face.

"What happened to you?" Mor snickered.

"Elain and Aelin." I grumbled, "I don't want to talk about it, but I hate them now." I continued to work on my hair.

Mor shook her head before looking back up at me, "Well, it's hard to take you seriously when you look like that so I'll make this quick. Feyre and I had a fight and now she wants to know what's going on with us. Obviously it's nothing because, well, you know," I nodded, "but it seems that we aren't as good of actors as we thought. She's getting suspicious and I need to tell her," She said again.

"Well, that's good, right?"

Mor flopped back on the bed, her arms splaying as she fell, "Yes? No?" She sighed, "I don't know Az."

"I think you should tell her. It would be good to have someone know after all these centuries, right?"

"You know." Mor reminded me.

"Yeah, but I don't count."

"Why not."

"I don't know Mor, but I don't."

She sighed again, "I want to tell her, but what if she reacts badly. What if she's one of those people. The people that hate fae like me."

"Mor, if she was one of those people, we would know, and she wouldn't be Rhys' mate. You have nothing to worry about."

She nodded.

"Wait," I paused, "are you going to tell her that I know."

"Should I?" She sat up.

"Probably, it would be pretty pathetic if I was pining after you for five centuries," We both chuckled.

"Let's be honest Az, you probably still would be if I hadn't told you." Mor slipped her golden hair over a shoulder.

"You mean if I hadn't asked you," I corrected, "But probably not anymore, not since-" I stopped myself. Shit.

"Not since Elain." Mor finished, "you know, I still don't get what you see in her, but obviously, there's a lot she's not telling us. I mean, her best friends are a queen with the power of a god and a witch who drinks blood, she's obviously hiding something."

I nodded, still working on my hair.

Mor sighed again, "Look, I won't push you on anything, but I think you two would make a super cute couple. Way better than her and Lucien." She spat the name out as if it left a foul taste in her mouth, "I mean, you seem... comfortable around her. I've never seen you let your guard down like that. And Elain clearly likes you."

"Come on Mor, we're just friends."

"Just friends right now." She teased standing up, "Well, this has been fun, but I need my beauty sleep," I snorted, "Good night, Az."

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