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Mild smut I think? There's some making out, but nothing more than that cause I can't write smut (If you want to skip that part just go to the next bold words)

"The 'big deal' is that I LOVE YOU, Az!" I screamed at him. Then I froze.

Oh, shit.

Azriel opened his mouth, then he shut it. Then he opened it again.

"Say something, Az," I pleaded.

"I love you too, Elain." He told me, his voice shaking slightly. "I have for a while, actually. I just didn't say anything because I didn't think that you would feel the same." He was rambling now, "And you have a mate and you were already going through I much and I didn't want to say anything yet and-" 

I pulled his face to mine, crashing our lips together. I could feel him melting into my touch as we kissed.

It was perfect, better than I could've ever dreamed. It was slow, deep and passionate. I straddled him, not moving my lips from his and ran my hands over the tattoos on his bare chest. I tangled my hands in his dark, silky hair. He wrapped his arms around me, pressing me closer to him. 

We finally broke apart what felt like hours later, our lips buzzing.

Next bold words

Azriel ran a scarred hand through his hair, "That was-"

"Yeah." I said with a stupid-looking grin on my face, it slowly vanished when I remembered something, or someone, "Do we need to tell them now?" I really didn't want to. Not yet.

"Well, Aelin's probably going to figure it out and tell the Erileans before tomorrow's over. But I don't want to tell the rest of them, yet. We would have to explain too much, you being an assassin, your powers-"

"They already know I'm a Seer." I cut in, now I was a little bit confused.

"But they don't know about your other powers." He gave me a knowing look as he lay back down, "I figured it out when you put that shield around you and the Suriel-"

"Bris," I corrected, while I lay down on my stomach next to him, resting my head on his chest and looking up at him.

"Ok, Bris, the shield was- different than Nesta's. Darker somehow, not like Rhys' darkness either, it was the darkness of the fabric of the universe. You are one of the Infinite. They are incredibly rare and essentially, they -you- can twist reality." He looked down at me and smiled faintly, "Only the strongest of all fae can have that power and survive. Hell, only the strongest of all Fae can be a Seer and survive. To be a Seer and an Infinite." He smiled down at me and kissed the top of my head.

I shifted again so that I was lying on my side. I tried to relax, but I couldn't. I had to ask, "Az, are you sure it's safe to be around me. I mean, if I'm that powerful... what if I get angry, or out of control." My voice got quieter, "What if I hurt someone. What if I hurt you."

"Elain, you won't hurt anyone. You won't hurt me." I looked up at him and his eyes softened, "I meant what I said, Ellie. I love you, I always have and I always will."

"I love you too, Az." I whispered back.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and I curled closer to him, resting my head on his chest. 

We were fast asleep in minutes.

_____LINE BREAK_____

"Elain," Someone was shaking me awake, that someone was not Az, "Elain, it's Aelin. Please don't stab me." I opened one eye.

"Aelin?" I turned to face her, "What the fuck are you doing here?!" I whisper-screamed at her.

"Well, number one," She gestured to me and Az, "Congrats, number two, everyone's going to wake up in an hour or so, so you need to go back to your tent before someone notices. I'm assuming you don't want the others to know." She started walking towards the tent entrance, but then she stopped and turned back to me, "Oh, and by the others, I mean the rest of the Inner Circle, the Erileans already know." I rolled my eyes and carefully stepped out of bed, making sure not to wake Az up. He looked so peaceful while he slept.

I looked over to a shadow that curled around his shoulder, "When he wakes up, tell him that I went back to my tent so they don't notice." I could've sworn it nodded in response.

I smiled and brushed a kiss to Az's forehead before following Aelin out of the tent.

She grabbed my shoulders and squealed the second we were out of the tent, "I've been waiting for this since I saw you two together in the training room at the High Lord's meeting." She had a huge grin on her face, "Lys and I were about to start scheming to get you two together." I gave her a look that said Really? and she rolled her eyes, "Ok fine, that's a lie, we already started scheming, but the important thing is, we didn't actually have to do anything! You got together yourselves!" She squealed again. 

I shook my head but couldn't get rid of the love-drunk grin on my face. I walked with her back to my tent and stopped at the entrance and turned to her, suddenly serious, "Ae, you can't tell any of the Inner Circle. Or anyone except the Erileans and Az. We don't want to tell anyone yet, ok?" She nodded, trying to lose her shit-eating grin, "I'm serious." She nodded again, and I couldn't help but smile again.

She threw her arms around me, "I'm so happy for you Ellie!"

I squeezed her once before untangling myself from her embrace and slipping back into my spot on the bed with my sisters. That grin stayed on my face for the rest of the night.

I will continue

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