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Feyre was pacing when we got there, "Finally" She breathed sounding relieved.

She started walking towards Amren, but then she saw me and frowned. Nesta looked up at Azriel, fury in her eyes, "How could you bring her here?"

I stepped in front of him, looking broken once more, "I need to speak to the Queen Who Was Promised." I said in a quiet, slightly shaky voice.

Aelin's head snapped to me.

I swallowed once, feigning nervousness, "In private."

She nodded and led me into a bedroom nearby, slamming the door behind me, "Can- can you put up a shield of some sort, this is something that you and only you can hear."

She snapped up a shield of roaring fire around us, "And you have mental shields right, strong ones?" I said still sounding quiet. She nodded again.

I straightened up, "Oh thank the Cauldron." I said rubbing an ache in my back, "You have no idea how fucking annoying it is to pretend to be that weak, whiny sister all the time."

She lifted her dagger slightly, thinking that I was a shapeshifter of some sort, "No Aelin, I'm Feyre's sister. I'm an assassin, but I didn't tell them." I recounted my story to her and when I was done all she said was,

"So, another assassin. Thank the gods. I haven't talked to a female assassin in, actually never. I have never enjoyed talking to a female assassin" She blew out a breath, "So none of them know that you're an assassin, not even that hot one with the wings that brought you?"

"Who Azriel? Oh no, he knows." She looked at me expectantly, "He walked in on me training" She nodded in understanding.

She looked me over again and froze when her gaze came to rest on the iron ring on my finger, "Don't worry, it's not real iron, I switched it out for steel when I Saw you in the High Lords meeting. I just have to wear it because they expect me to play the part of the broken, fae who just wants to be human to get her lover back. Greyson was a prick, I was just engaged to him because he was a job."

She nodded, "Wait, you 'saw' me, you weren't there," She said cautiously

"When I was turned into fae, I was also turned into a Seer."

Her jaw dropped and I smirked. Then we heard shouting from the other side of the fire-wall,  they were calling us.

"Please don't tell them, not yet at least"

"Ok, but I have some conditions, number one, we are going to be friends whether you like it or not" I nodded and smiled wickedly, "number two is to be decided, deal?"

"Deal." I agreed

"Ok then, it's a bargain" I felt a tingling sensation on my ribcage, right under my heart. I just ignored it and became fragile again as Aelin broke the wall.

She opened the door and saw them all looking worried. 

"Elain are you ok?" Nesta rushed over to me, puling me into a hug. She spun us around so I was faced away from everyone while she checked over me. 

Aelin snickered behind Nesta's back, and I subtly threw her a vulgar gesture. She just started laughing harder.

Nesta turned on her, "Is something funny." Aelin rolled her eyes and shoved past her.

"So, what did Elain mean by the Queen Who Was Promised?" Rhysand asked, not looking at me.

Aelin shrugged, "Nothing, it's just one of my titles."

"One of your titles," Cassian burst out, "Mother's tits, how many names do you have."

Aelin smiled sweetly at him, "Would you like me to list them all out?"

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