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The fourth day after the battle, there still wasn't any information on the valg -Hybern's- whereabouts. Despite Az leading team after team of scouts, they still couldn't figure it out.

Then on the fifth day, he burst into the war tent. Hybern had skirted us entirely, they had sent a troop up the edge of the Autumn Court and the Summer Court, they were going up to the Winter Court border. He had already sent warnings to the Winter Court High Lord and to Viviane.

Everyone was in the crowded tent, all the Erileans, the generals, the Inner Circle, they even let Nesta and Elain stay. They started talking and I turned to Manon and Elain.

"How about -" I let my face say the rest, 'we could split up our forces'.

'No, they have valg, we need the numbers.' Elain seemed to be trying not to pace.

"Well, what if we-," 'just went to Winter then?'

Manon shook her head, 'What if it's just an illusion that they're spinning, or,' "What if they come back here?"

Elain froze, then slowly looked at us again, 'We spin an illusion. We make it look like we stayed, but we actually leave.'

"I got it," I declared. I quickly dismissed everyone that wasn't needed, Kier and Devlon baring their teeth at me, the glares Rowan and I gave them made them leave quicker.

"We leave, and we stay."

Rhys and Tarquin frowned at me while Cassian lifted a brow.

I jabbed a finger at the map, everyone was crowding closer around the table, Elain and Azriel subtly shifting closer to each other. I smirked at them, "Dor can spin a glamour, a good one. So if anyone walks by, they see, hear, and smell an army. Let the val- Hybern's army report that we are still here, that we choose to stay here. I can write some spells to keep them from actually coming up to the camp, with Ellie's help of course." I looked over at her, she  subtly narrowed her eyes at me and I grinned back at her.

"Elain will not-" Feyre started.

"Elain," I interrupted, "Is a Seer, I could use a Seer to help with the wyrdmarks. And she can decide for herself, are you her keeper?" She didn't deign to respond, "I thought so."

"It could work," Cassian cut in, "If we march north under a sight shield."

Tarquin was still frowning, "You could make such a deception."

"Yes, I could." Dorian replied, "It would take some time, an hour or so, but I could do it."

"An hour." Feyre said doubtfully, "That's it?"

"Yes Feyre," Dorian said slowly, as if talking to a small child, "That's it. If I was as powerful as Aelin I could do it quicker though."

"I thought you both had the same amount of magic," Feyre looked confused.

Dorian shook his head, "Aelin's magic is... endless, she's essentially a god with a fae lifespan. Even when she takes the damper off her power, she doesn't let anyone completely experience the full might of her magic, it's too dangerous. Especially since last time she let out too much magic-" He stopped as he realized what he was saying. We couldn't tell them about Deanna, not yet at least, I only trusted Ellie, and she already knew about her.

"What happened." Feyre demanded.

"Nothing important, I'll tell you when it's time, right now it's not." I turned to Dorian, "You start figuring out the glamour, make sure to include us in it," I turned to Ellie, "We are going to figure out the wards." I linked our arms and dragged her out of the tent before anyone could inquire anymore.

"Ok, can you read wyrdmarks?"

She nodded, "Nix made sure we learned wyrdmarks. She said it was more dangerous for us to not know them than for us to know them."


We each made a small cut in our arms and started to paint.

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By the time we were done we were both exhausted. The wyrdmarks took ages to paint because they were so specific, and we had to keep restarting when we messed up. When we walked back to our tents I practically fell into bed beside Rowan.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, he sniffed me once, "You stink, Ae."

"Thank you Ro," I mumbled.

I heard him chuckle quietly. I pressed up closer to him and he squeezed me tighter. We held each other until morning. 

Savoring the little bit of peace we got in this war.

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