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I watched Elain walk out in silence.

"The Erileans need to talk now. So, where are our rooms?" 

"Straight down the hall, third room on your left. There are four bedrooms in there"

I nodded and walked out, everyone else from my world following me. 

Abraxos growled as he got up and lumbered over to Manon.

"Nope, not again" Fenrys winnowed Abraxos to our rooms. Seconds later I heard him go back, "We have a situation,"

Manon's eyes were filled with worry for Abraxos as we sprinted over to our rooms. She threw open the door and saw Abraxos hurling his guts up.

She whirled around as Fenrys and Rhysand winnowed back in. She jumped at Fenrys and pinned him to the wall with her iron nails at his neck. "What did you do to Abraxos?" She hissed, iron teeth in his face.

Elide groaned, "I'm going to my room, Aelin it's your turn to deal with this bullshit." She turned towards Lorcan, "Lorcan, go now." He obeyed without a second thought. Elide walked into the room after him and slammed the door shut.

Rhysand went over to Manon when he saw Rowan, Aed and I grab our blades .

"Manon, that happens when you winnow. If you're not used to it you will get sick or disoriented. It's perfectly normal." Right at that moment, Abraxos chose to let out a rather loud whine. 

Manon's eyes turned frantic. She shoved Rhysand to the side, her nails digging into his skin and drawing blood. She sprinted over to Abraxos, standing by his head where he was slumped on the floor. She was stroking long, soothing patterns on his snout, he nudged her affectionately with his nose.

Rhysand took that as hid cue to leave. 

I looked at Rowan.

'I need to go to something'

He nodded 'Ok but don't do anything stupid'

I rolled my eyes with a smirk on my face 'I won't do anything stupid, I'm taking Manon with me'

'Gods help us all'

I stood on my toes and kissed him lightly, before lowering myself back to the ground. 

Aedion rolled his eyes, "Care to share with the class"

I smirked, "Manon I need to do something and I need you to come with. It's important."

She turned around and nodded. 

_____LINE BREAK_____

We were heading to the training room, because I knew that's where she would be. That's where I go when I need to work out some anger or frustration.

Or grief. 

When we got there I held a hand out in front of Manon.

"I'll go first, just to make sure that she's okay with you knowing." One brow raised.

I walked in and saw the Spymaster holding the bag for her to punch. He saw me and said something to Elain too quiet for me to hear, even with my fae hearing.. She nodded and waved me over as he faded into the shadows.

"Hey Elain, I have someone that I want you to meet. Is that ok?" She held up a finger as she drank some water, "Do I have to be fake around her and can she be trusted."

"No and yes."

Elain brightened up, "Yeah, I can meet her."

"Manon," I called.

A Court of Fire and Shadows -ON BREAK!!!-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum