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It was an effort to keep myself from frowning during the meeting.

All I could see were Elain's restrained smiles, not restrained because she was in the presence of enemies and tentative allies, but restrained because she was in the presence of her family.

I tried to shake that from my mind as we walked, arms still linked, into the Night Court's sitting room and them all sitting there, looking silently furious.

Manon immediately curled up by Abraxos, stroking his nose.

Elain and I quickly disengaged ourselves as she walked over to Azriel who was standing by the window, looking out at the sunset. I looked at her for a moment longer before dragging Rowan over to one of the piles of cushions of the floor. We sat down and I had to lean up and kiss him lightly on the mouth.

'What was that for?' Rowan seemed to say

'No reason' I smiled sweetly.

'What are you planning.'

'Must I be plotting something to kiss my mate?'

'Right now? Yes.'

I huffed out a breath, 'Fine, I need to figure out how to get Elain to tell her family that she's an assassin'

'No.' His expression was resolute.

'Come on, I'll make her think its her idea and everything. You know how manipulative I can be.' I ran a finger over the tattoo on his face.

He batted my hand away scowling, 'Aelin, come on, we just met them and you're already screwing up all their other plans, why can't you just leave her alone'

'Ro, I have to, she is miserable and my plans are already in motion'

'Plans' He seemed to be emphasizing the 's'.

'Yes plans, I need to get her and Azriel together'

He rolled his eyes, "Aelin no."

'Come on, you see how they look at each other, how they act around each other.'  I pushed, making my eyes bigger so that he couldn't possibly say no.

'I know that you're going to do it whether I want to or not, so fine. But when this inevitably goes wrong, I had no part in this.'  He huffed out a breath.

"Gods, that's never going to be stop being strange." Aedion muttered.

"They do it too?! Rhys and Feyre do that all the time" Mor replied turning her head to look at him from where she was sitting on the couch, Cassian holding her feet in his lap.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Elain and Azriel quietly talking with each other, so softly that I couldn't hear them, even with my fae hearing. I mentally cursed them because I was really looking forwards to eavesdropping on them.

Rhysand- Rhys- turned to us, "Aelin, what was that. Didn't we already talk about this, you can't just run around holding knives to people's throats, or trying to rip out people's throats," He glared at Lys.

I snorted, "So first you're terrified of us, and now you're scolding us, what next."

"You could've completely ruined our alliance with them Aelin." Feyre said, also sounding angry, "And letting them see your power like that?! What if you hurt Elain?"

I heard a scoff from the window, "I'm standing right here, and I'm not a child Feyre I can take care of myself." 

Rhys growled at her softly and Feyre put a concerned hand on his arm.

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