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It had been nearly a week since the last battle. The soldiers were all restless, now that the mortal soldiers were defeated, we had to go find Orcus, Mantyx and Maeve, and find the Keys, and defeat the valg army.

Much easier said than done.

Ellie is now extremely pissed because her and Az have to sneak around much, much more.

They can't even look at each other for fear of Rhys finding out.

After Elain brought him back, Rhys decided to 'tighten security,' so to speak. He's making sure to always know where one of them is, and when they're both together he watches them carefully enough that they can't even stand near each other.

You would think that after Rhys died, he would appreciate how much you need to be with someone if you truly love them. 

That after Elain brought him back, he would let her be with the only person she truly loves.

Unfortunately, instead he realized how strong the bond between mates is, and since somehow he didn't notice that Ellie and Az are mates -despite the fact that it's incredibly obvious- he wants to make sure that Lucien and Elain are together, because he thinks that would make everyone happy.

So, the only time Az and Ellie can talk is in the dead of night after everyone is asleep, and even that's a gamble. They don't stay together anymore either, so at nights they're together for about an hour, then Elain comes to me and we train, and then she goes back to her tent to sleep.

They can't even talk through Az's shadows anymore because Rhys is monitoring them too closely.

I can tell that this whole thing is taking a toll on her. On both of them.

Az is always working to try and stay away from her and he looks like shit.

Ellie is always restless, and stressed that Rhys is going to find out somehow. She jumpy and honestly, it's kind of dangerous.  

Yesterday I was behind her and I tapped her on the shoulder, she was about to -unintentionally- kill me with her magic. I was lucky that I had managed to make a shield in time but damn, that was terrifying. If it was anyone else, she might've killed them, regardless of who it was, it was so fucking scary though. Especially since Elain is developing her powers ridiculously fast. It took me months to get to the level that she's at now. She can make weapons and shields and do that weird killing thing were she sucks out someone's soul. She can glamour herself well enough that she stopped taking the pills, she still holds onto them, however, because you never know who might find them.

I can understand where Rhys is coming from though, he doesn't want to see his brother get hurt, he thinks that Elain will only be happy with her mate.

Spoiler alert, she will only be happy with her mate, just not the one Rhys is thinking of.

This whole thing was just one big fucked up mess.

_____LINE BREAK_____

We were sitting in the war tent debating what to do next. 

When Elain said, "Why don't we split up."

They all turned to her with a confused expression on their faces.

"The Inner Circle and the Court of Terrasen, and Manon and Dor if they want, can go look for the Keys and Mantyx, Orcus and Maeve. Everyone else can try to find the valg army." She explain to them.

There were murmurs of agreement from around the table.

"And where are you going, Elain?" Feyre asked her, worried for her safety even though Elain killed the fucking King of Hybern.

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