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I was still smirking when I stepped into Aelin's tent.

"So, what'd you do to him." Manon asked eagerly.

"I just punched him in the face." I flopped down on the couch next to Yrene as Manon frowned at me.

"That's it? I told you, you're too emotionally attached to kill him, let me do it." She started to stand up.

"He's my sister's mate. We can't kill him, no matter how much we might want to."

"Might want to what?" We heard a voice at the entrance to the tent.

I spun around to see-


He shook his head, "Never mind, Rhys wants to talk with you all, to figure out our battle strategy. Also, he seemed pretty annoyed with Elain, for whatever reason, so you might want to just stay here."

I gave him a feline smile, as Aelin murmured, "I bet he's pissed, after-" Ansel elbowed her in the stomach. Aelin hissed in pain, "Bitch."

"No, you're the bitch."

"No, I'm the bitch queen."

"Ladies, please," Lys told them, "You're both bitches, can we go now?"

I rolled my eyes, turning to Cassian again, "We'll be there in five minutes." He nodded and left, then I turned back to Aelin, "Ae!"

"Sorry! Sorry! I forgot, I mean come on, he kinda looks like-"

"Don't say he looks like Az, they look nothing alike."

"She's right, Ae. Az is wayyy hotter than that one." Ansel teased

For a split second a wave of irritation and possessiveness rolled through me and I snarled at her.

Ansel just laughed it off.

_____LINE BREAK_____

We stepped into the tent and Ansel let out a low whistle, "Damn."

I saw the slowly yellowish-purple mark on Rhys' face.

"I knew I liked you." Ansel whispered to me, a wild grin on her face.

Elide shoved us out of the way to see Rhys, "Who fucked you up," She raised one eyebrow.

He glared at her, "I don't want to talk about it," He muttered, turning back to the maps.

Thankfully, the only people in the tent were the Erileans and the Inner Circle, so the other High Lords probably hadn't seen him yet.

Az looked over at me, then to Rhys, then back to me. His eyes widened.

That was you?! His face seemed to say

I gave him a small smirk in return.

He rolled his eyes before nervously glancing back at Rhys, as if worried that the High Lord had seen our exchange.

Aelin looked over at me before casually walking over to the desk -not surprisingly- near Az. 

I shot her a grateful look as I followed, making sure to stand next to Az, glaring right at Rhys the whole time.

Az looked like he was going to move, to follow the orders of his High Lord, but the rest of the Erilean females -the males were checking over the armies- closed in, making sure that all of us were stuck here, under the guise of wanting to get a better look at the map.

They started talking, arguing about the best course of action when I Saw it:

Feyre and Amren were glamoured, sprinting through the battlefield. Bryaxis and the Weaver tearing through the enemy soldiers around them. 

A Court of Fire and Shadows -ON BREAK!!!-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum