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I was still puzzling over what Aelin had said when Feyre opened the door, "Rhys, why does she have that suit. Two of them, it looks like an-"

"Assassin suit," I finished, shaking my head, "It is one. Apparently she was an assassin, who is now best friends with your sister."

I let Feyre into my mind to see what had just happened.

"Ellie?" Her lip curled with distaste, "I don't like how close they're getting. I don't think it's good for Elain. I think now we need to have Azriel spy on them."

"Cassian already asked him. He said no," When Feyre's eyes narrowed, I clarified, "He said it would be an invasion of her privacy."

"Well now, it's an issue for her safety, he can't refuse now." Feyre reasoned, now pacing.

I nodded to her, and reached out to Az with my mind.

I knock his mental shield and he cracked it open a sliver. Az, Feyre and I need to talk to you in the study.

He was here standing in front of the door before I could finish talking.

Feyre walked over to him, "We need you to spy on Aelin and Elain."

"No." He said simply.

"Az, she's an assassin." I could've sworn something like relief flashed through his features, "She wasn't just an assassin, Aelin was the assassin." And now it was gone.

He nodded, "I know."

"You knew and didn't tell us, or Elain?" Feyre asked him. 

"It wasn't important, and Elain knows, she Saw it when I brought her and Amren to the Dawn Court."

"Of course it was important Azriel, she's an assassin, and her magic is stronger than all  of the High Lords." I told him incredulously.

"Aelin wouldn't hurt Elain, they're more alike than you think."

Feyre's brows furrowed with confusion, "What do you mean," Curiosity tinged her voice.

Azriel just shook his head, "They will tell you when they are ready." He faded into the shadows.

Feyre threw up her hands exasperatedly, "What are we going to do Rhys,"

"There's nothing we can do, it seems."

_____LINE BREAK_____

"What the fuck Aelin!" Elide yelled.

I exchanged a look with Feyre before running over to them to find out what's going on.

Elain, Azriel, and the Erilean females were-

They were sitting in the garden trying to plant some roses?

"Ae, I thought we agreed to keep the magic down," Elain said while smiling with her arms crossed, looking at a very pissed off Aelin who was surrounded by a ring of scorched ground.

All of them were grinning from ear to ear. Even Azriel had a small smile. 

"Come on Ellie," Aelin whined, "if we absolutely need to do this before we leave, at least let me do it my way."

There was a noise that sounded like a cross between a purr and a growl, "No one asked for your opinion Lysandra." Aelin shot at the giant ghost leopard curled up by Elain.

"Rhys, you and Feyre can come out now, we all knew you were there." Manon said, twisting to see us, "There's a reason why Az is the spymaster."

Elide and Aelin snickered as they looked at us, but Elain's grin slowly faded.

I saw Azriel watching Elain with a slightly worried expression, and I remembered what he had said earlier, 'they're more alike than you think.' 

Az noticed and subtly shook his head, I wanted to ask anyway, but Elain seemed, at peace, happy even. Happy in a way that I had never seen before.

From the look on my mate's face, I knew she hadn't seen her like this before either.

"We heard Elide scream and wanted to make sure nothing had happened." I said, only slightly apologetic.

"And what would've happened, Rhysand." Manon said, her gaze now icy.

I shrugged, "We thought maybe the assassin had done something."

Manon snorted and whispered something to the group, too low from me to hear, but there were a few chuckles from the others. Including Azriel.

That got me thinking, why would Elain trust Az, the seemingly cold, detached shadowsinger, instead of her own sister. 

Why would she trust Aelin, the Queen-assassin with god-like power. 

Would would she trust, the Queen of Witches. 

Why would she trust any of them, over her own sister.

I will continue

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