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Aelin rolled her eyes and said, "Ok, you all can go scope out the perimeter or whatever other shit you wanted to do. We are going to check out the house."

As she stepped into the manor Rhys sighed, "Let's split into groups and each of us can take one section"

I ended up with Rhys and Feyre. We were walking around the north east section of the land, Rhys and Feyre occasionally laying down spells to keep the humans out.

Then Rhys told me, "Cass, can you go back to the house, just to make sure that Elain is safe."

"She has Aelin, I'm sure she'll be fine," I responded.

"Aelin is why I'm worried."

"Cauldron, Rhys I'll go this time, but you need to let this go. Elain is safe around Aelin, Aelin wouldn't hurt her. You need to understand that." I shot off the ground and started flying back to the manor before Rhys or Feyre could say anything else.

As I was flying, I wondered why Rhys hadn't just sent Az to check on them. Az was obviously better at spying and they wouldn't even know he was there.

I shook my head, Rhys probably had his own reasons.

I landed and quietly, and carefully walked into the house. I tucked my wings in tight, making sure that they didn't touch the walls or any debris. 

I walked across the large room in front to a set of oak doors. I pulled them open, cringing at the sound it made.

There was a short hallway -that seemed completely unnecessary- that lead to another set of oak doors.

I opened those up and thanked the Mother that they were quieter than the last set, and found two rooms.

One of the rooms had loud screeching noises coming out of it, almost as if they were sharpening blades. 

Then Aelin blurted out, "When are you going to tell them? About you two I mean."

I pressed my ear against the door to hear better, and I heard them set down the blades.

"Ae, I can't." I heard Elain say, I wondered who they were talking about. I knew I shouldn't listen as this seemed to be a private conversation, but curiosity got the best of me. "Not with Rhys' orders, no matter how stupid they are. And especially not now that Lucien's here. He could challenge him to a blood duel, a fight to the death," How the hell did Elain know what a blood duel was, "If Lucien wins, I essentially become his property. Lucien is the Heir of the Day Court, he could kill him," Who, I wanted to say. Who could Lucien kill, who would he get into a blood duel with for you? "He could die, and it would be my fault. I can't, Ae, I can't-" I heard her voice break.

"Ellie," Aelin said, "Of you tell them about you two being-" Elain cut her off, but I already knew what she was going to say. Mates, Elain has a mate. A mate that isn't Lucien.

Was that even possible?

"But that's why I can't tell them like that. First of all, I haven't even told him yet. And, they'll think that I chose him because of that, out of some ridiculous obligation. They wouldn't know how we feel, they wouldn't care." She paused for a second, "But, if I choose Lucien, which obviously I won't, for some reason it wouldn't be seen as an obligation, it would be seen as a choice. It's disgusting."

And it was.

"I know," Aelin murmured, "I know."

Her words were gentle and caring, but I could feel the rage rippling off of her.

I decided that maybe I should leave now before they notice me, I went to sit outside and tried to wrap my head around what I had heard.

Elain has two mates, Lucien and someone else.

A Court of Fire and Shadows -ON BREAK!!!-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن