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I woke up curled into Rowan's side. I craned my neck to get a glimpse of his face, harsh lines softened by sleep.

"Come on Buzzard, up, we need to go plan with Ellie before talking to Rhys and the others." I poked his bicep, hurting myself more than him.

He groaned and hauled himself into the closet to get dressed, I followed after him and we quickly got ready before walking into Elain's room.

I knocked on the door before entering, I didn't want another knife thrown at my face. When she didn't answer I motioned for Rowan to stay outside while I went to check out what was going on. I opened the door and saw Elain still asleep in the clothes she had worn the day before. 

I went over to her bed and slowly shook her awake. She cracked an eye open, "Aelin?"

"Obviously," I flipped my hair over my shoulder, "Who else do you know who looks this hot,"

"You mean besides me right," She said with a smirk, all sleep gone from her voice.

She got out of bed and went to the closet. I heard a  loud sigh, "Aelin, I hate it all."

I went over to her closet and, gods above, what is wrong with these people? All of the clothes were huge puffy, frilly, behemoths or dresses.

"No, no, no, no, no." I said shaking my head and waving my hands, "You are going to wear something from my closet." I dragged her down the hall to my room, Rowan trailing behind us. 

When we got to my room, "Rowan, you stay here, we are going to go find clothes to wear?"

"Ae, I get why Elain needs new clothes, but what's wrong with what you're wearing?"

"Well obviously, if Elain's getting new clothes from my closet, we need to match," I put my hands on my hips, Elain doing the same next to me.

"Yeah, obviously Rowan." We shared a glance and then strutted into the closet, hearing a muffled, "Gods help me."  from behind us.

"You're out of luck Ro," I called back to him, "We killed them all."

"What the fuck Ae," I heard Elain say from the closet, "You haven't even been here for a full day and your closet is already way more amazing than mine."

I looked through the masterpieces sitting there, "Well, unfortunately, today we are going to train," She looked at me, a confused expression plastered on her face, "You, no doubt, learned different styles of fighting, so we are going to teach each other what we now, well you, me, Lys, and El. Manon and Dorian are going to be...... busy." She smirked.

I saw my assassin suit hanging in the corner "Hey Ellie, how about this."

"It's perfect, but there's only one."

"Where can I find Rhys?" A slow smile spread across her face.

_____LINE BREAK_____

It took us forever to find Rhys, it turns out he was in his study, with the door locked.

I went over there and motioned for Ellie to be quiet and stay back, I picked the lock quietly enough that he wouldn't hear, and quietly asked Elain to use her seer powers to try and make sure that Feyre and Rhys weren't having sex in there.

They seemed like that sort of couple, after we were sure that the coast was clear I threw open the door and walked in Rhys jumping out of his chair with a startled expression on his face, "Cauldron, Aelin, how'd you do that?"

I smirked, "Adarlan's assassin has to know how to pick a lock."

Confusion morphed his features, "What do you mean assassin?"

"Oh shit, I forgot to tell you, I'm an assassin, or I was, it's a long story, but you don't have to worry about me trying to kill you," when the worry remained on his face, I added, "Or Ellie, why would I kill the one sensible person here?" I asked, "Although, I guess the spymaster isn't that bad, but only because Elain trusts him."

"Ok," He still looked slightly worried for Elain and it took every ounce of my self control to keep from rolling my eyes, "What do you want."

I lifted up the suit in my hands, "I need you to make a copy of this."


"Because, I want Lys to shift into me so I can see how I look in it."

He blinked a few times, "Ok?" He snapped his fingers and then I was holding two suits, one in each hand.

"Thank you, your highness," I gave a mock bow and without giving him time to respond, skipped out of chamber, slamming the door behind me.

"Ellie I got them." I called to Elain who was standing right outside the door.

"Got what?" said a voice behind me.

"Got Rhys to clone my assassin suit." I said, turning to face her.

"And why do you need that?" She asked, hands on her hips.

"Because, Lys is going to shift into me and model it for me." I told her matter-of-factly.

I spun around and linked my free arm with Ellie's, then we were quickly walking away from Feyre.

I will continue

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