When Shredder Kidnaps You

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You all can thank @ninjagogirl123 for this awesome chapter idea.

You remembered that you had left your groceries in the alley so you went back to go get them.

On the way you saw the occasional rat, piece of litter, and that same old hobo sleeping in the corner.

"Hey Larry" You waved.

"Hey (Y/N)" he waved before falling back asleep.

You reached the alley with your groceries but the bag was moving. Reaching inside, you pulled out a baby rat.

"Hello little friend." You smiled as you patted it's head. It looked behind you and jumped out of your hand.

You were confused until you felt something hard hit you in the back of the head.

You fell with a loud thud before being lifted off of the ground.
Your eyes fluttered open as the world around you came into focus. Once you saw where you were you gasped.

"No no no no no."

You were in Shredders lair, chained to the wall. Shredder was sitting on his thrown watching you.

"Ah, the angel awakens." He smiled creepily. He didn't have on his helmet so you saw his face.

"What do you want from me, Cheese Grater?" You rolled your eyes.

"I may have failed at love because of Hamato Yoshi the first time, but I will make you mines."

"Oh really? Well I would like to see your receipt because I'm going to need your proof of purchase." You snapped.

"Quite the smart mouth aren't we, (Y/N)? Looks like we'll have to change that."

He started walking towards you. He was now in front of you, staring at your lips. He started leaning in to kiss you but you spat in his good eye.

"How dare you, freak?!"

He unsheated his claws from his arm and raised his hand. You closed your eyes awaiting the impact of the blades, but it never came.

You opened your eyes and saw something wrapped around his arm, holding it back.

It looked like, a tail.

The Shredder's eyes widened before he was pulled into the darkness.

You heard a cry of pain and saw a shadowy figure moving towards you.

You closed your eyes, but to your surprise, felt yourself being unchained from the wall.

You opened your eyes once more and saw Splinter. He hugged you tightly then grabbed your shoulders to look at you.

"(Y/N), my lotus flower, are you alright? Did he hurt you? I swear I'll-"

"I'm fine, Splinty. Once again you have came to my rescue."

He picked you up bridal style.

"My hero."

"Anything for my (Y/N)." He kisse your forehead, "Now, let's go eat some bacon pancakes."

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