The Baby Is Coming Pt. 2

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"Well lets see." You smiled.

"It's a girl!"

The turtles were elated with this news.




"Sweet, I get a little sister!"

Splinter shed tears of joy when he heard the baby babbling. She reached her little hand in the air and wrapped it around Splinters finger. He chuckled at this.

"What are you gonna name her?" Michaelangelo asked.

You thought for a while.

"How about Rosie?"

Splinter smiled and nodded.

"Hi Rosie. I am Splinter your father. I want you to know that I love you very much. And see that pretty lady over there, that is your mother, (Y/N)"

They all were smiling now. Splinter set her down in your arms and you smiled down at the babbling bundle of joy. She opened her eyes and giggled. Leonardo approached you and looked at his little sister.

"Hi Rosie. I'm your brother, Leonardo. You can call me Leo. I'm glad to finally see you."

Raphael was next to approach you.

"Hi Rosie. I'm Raphael, your big bro. Someday, I'm gonna teach you how to kick butt."

Donatello was next.

"Hi Rosie. I'm Donatello. I'm also your big brother. I'm the smart one so if you need anything let me know."

This made her laugh. Last was Michaelangelo. He inched over and smiled.

"Hey Rosie. I'm your brother Mikey. You're adorable."

Rosies lips started mouthing words until sound came out.


He smiled so hard you thought his face would rip in half.

"She said it. She said it!" He said as he started jumping with excitement.

"Yes, she did. I think she remembers you."

The boys all looked at you confused.

"What does booyaka- Whatever Mikey just said mean?"

"That my brothers, is a story for another day."

I'll be honest, I cried while writing this. I'm such a softie I need a tissue. I hope you all enjoy this and I wanted to say thank you for the 1.3k reads. I love you all and thank you for reading my book. Its not over, I just wanted to say thx. Remember to leave scenario ideas in the comments. Also, a friend of mine suggested that I make boyfriend scenarios for the guys. Should I? Let me know what you think.

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