Their First Time Seeing Fireworks (NEW)

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This chapter was supposed to be up on the 4th of July so I know it's REALLY late. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Also feel free to give ideas for more scenarios whether for the toddler or teenage versions!😊 Also-Also, from now on when it takes me forever to update you can really just blame Snapchat, Instagram, Youtube, Napping, Television, Microsoft Solitaire, etc.
The signs of this month's holiday were all around.

Gigantic '!!!FIREWORKS FOR SALE!!!' banners hung in store windows and on carts, children threw poppers (or whatever they're called to places with other names for them) all day long, barbecues started all around the city.

Ah yes, the fourth of July.

A day for celebrating independence, liberty, and various fried/barbecued/chocolate covered/cheese covered foods.

However this year the holiday would be extra special because you and Splinter made plans to take the boys to see fireworks for the first time.

Due to... certain circumstances, the boys had never been able to enjoy fireworks like other children in the city got to.

This time would be different though, and you were going to do everything in your power to make sure they have the best Fourth of July ever.

The day started off with an America themed breakfast.

Pancakes topped with strawberries and whipped cream to represent the 13 original colonies, and blueberries with white sprinkles representing the 50 states, a huge plate of bacon spelling out 'America', iced tea, and tiny flags made of napkins.

Way to be subtle, (Y/N).

"Woah, what's all this?" Leonardo looked around when he walked in.

"It's your special Fourth of July breakfast!"

"Today's a holiday?"

"Do we get presents?!" Michaelangelo jumped up and down in excitement.

"Well no, but-"

"You lost me then."

"Come on boys, it'll be fun. Plus your father and I have a suprise waiting for you at the end of the day."

"Is the suprise presents?!"

"No, Michaelangelo."

"Annnd you've lost me again."

"I'll show you. Go ahead and eat your breakfast, you have a long day of fun ahead of you." You walked out allowing them to eat.

Once everyone had eaten it was time for part two of your plan to commence.

"Alright, who's ready for some fun?"

"No offense Mommy but Independence Day isn't really something we celebrate. We'll never be able to enjoy it like human kids do." Donatello said in a sad tone.

"Well prepare to be proven wrong because Splinter and I are going to make this the best day ever, next to the day I became your mother ofcourse." You flipped your hair.

"Vain much?..."

"I heard that."

After a long lecture about the importance of Independence Day it was finally night time.

Though they were already full with pie and ice creams and other various foods, you refused to let them sleep until they had as much fun as possible.

You and Splinter took the boys to a rooftop that would have the perfect view of all the fireworks.

"What are we doing up here, Mommy?"

"You'll find out soon, but in the meantime" You held up a bag full of sparklers and poppers.

"What are those thingys?"

"These are called poppers, you throw them on the ground and they pop" You threw one at the ground to demonstrate.

You passed boxes out to each of them and they started popping them, chasing each other with them every now and then.

"What about the sticks, Mama?"

"These are sparklers."

"What do they do?"

You took a lighter and lit one.
(Disclaimer: Please do not use a lighter or any other fire causing material without adult supervision, thank you.)

Their eyes lit up as they watched the sparks fly from it.

"Who would like to hold one?" They all raised their hands and were given sparklers one by one.

Leonardo had been holding his away from himself in fear of it touching him making Splinter chuckle "Don't worry my son, they do not last long."

You checked your watch. There were only a few more minutes until the big show.

"Everyone get ready, the big suprise is about to start!"

Splinter set up the fold up chairs and sat them all down together so they could see the sky and share snacks with each other.

Suddenly, a single ball of light shot up into the sky then exploded into a ball of beautiful colors, followed by more being shot into the air.

The show had finally began.

The boys were mesmerized by the fireworks and barely blinked, not wanting to miss a single moment of it.

You even heard Michaelangelo saying "This is way better than presents..."

You smiled and watched the show with them.

"Do you think they'll want to do this again next year?" Splinter whispered to you.


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