When You Train With Rosie and The Boys

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A/N: That's right. Rosie will have a weapon in the same room as the boys. Let us pray for those poor guys.🙏

You had suggested that since Shredder trains his daughter that you should start training Rosie along with the turtles so that if anything happens, Rosie can fend for herself.

"I just don't want anybody to get hurt, (Y/N)." Splinter sighed. "They could hurt her or worse."

"I'm sure the boys will know to be gentle with Rosie."

"It's the boys I am worried about. Rosie can be pretty..."


"She gets it from you, you know?"

You rolled your eyes and walked over to Rosie.

"Can I train with the boys, Mommy?" She whispered.

You signaled her to be quiet and nodded your head.

"I have an idea."

You and Rosie walked into the dojo where the boys and Splinter were, while you brought in the practice dummy.

"What's with the dummy, Mom?"

"Since none of you believe Rosie has the capability to train with you, she will practice on the dummy instead."

"It's called a dummy yet it's still smarter than you four combined." Rosie chuckled.

You two walked to the other side of the dojo. Rosie helped you set up the dummy and you handed her the training neko-te.

"Ready, Rosie?"


You signaled her to begin attacking the dummy.

She jumped high in the air and whacked the dummy's head with her tail making a long rip tear through its neck.

Before her little feet could touch the ground, she had already started slashing at the dummy with her neko-te.

When she finished, stuffing was now pouring out of its sides and front.

She turned around to smirk at the boys who's mouths were now gaped open.

She bumped the dummy with her elbow making the head pop off and fall into her hands.

For a while everything was silent.

"Can you teach me how to do that?"

"That was so cool!"

The boys were practically bowing down to her.

"Sorry guys, I can't train with you because Daddy thinks I'm too young."

"Sensai come on."

"Please let her train with us."

Splinter sighed and looked at you.

"Rosie may train with the boys."


"But no real weapons for a while."

"Hey I'm persuasive not a maniac."

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