When They Lose Rosie

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You and Spinter were going on a 24 hour training mission and the boys begged you to let them watch Rosie for you.

"[Sigh] Okay, you all can watch Rosie."


"But, don't let her near fire, anything sharp, anything flamable, anything breakable, anything that shoots things, and don't let her out of your sight!"

"Have a little faith in us, Mom."

"But most important, do NOT give her any candy. One M&M and all of New York could be destroyed!"

"Don't worry Mom, we'll take good care of her. And ofcourse she'll listen to me because I'm her favorite."

"Who says you're her favorite?" Raphael asked.

"Rosie who's your favorite?"

"You Mikey!" She squealed.

"Relax Mom, we've got this." Leonardo reassured.

"If you say so."

You and Splinter took one last look at them before walking out of the lair exit.

"They'll be fine, (Y/N)." Splinter put a hand on your shoulder.

"I hope so."
Meanwhile in the lair

"Time to party!" Rosie cheered.

"Let's see we've got pizza, root beer, gummy worms, M&M's, and movies." Michaelangelo checked.

"Are you sure Rosie should have that candy? Mom said not to give her any." Leonardo asked.

"A couple of pieces won't kill anyone." Michaelangelo shrugged.

"What movie are we watching?" Donatello asked while tuning up his laser gun.

"Something about a texas chainsaw guy." Raphael said while stabbing the Shredder dummie with his sais.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Rosie squealed.

"Let the party begin!" Leonardo declared.

They all sat in a circle in front of the television and started watching the movie.

Rosie had about 3 cup of root beer, 2 bags of M&M's, 4 slices of pizza, and 1,000 gummy worms. A recipe for disaster. Her eyes had actually started twithing.

However, the one true mistake they all nade, was falling asleep while Rosie was wide awake.

Oh no!
---------------------------(•-•)/Hi again--

You and Splinter walked back into the lair only to find that it looked like a hurricane had occurred.

"What happened?!" Splinter snapped.

All of the turtles, who had been asleep, shot up.

"Where's Rosie?"

"Rosie!" You all called.

"Hey my sais are gone!" Raphael yelled.

"So is my laser gun!" Donatello yelled.

"And she ate all the pizza and candy!" Michaelangelo whined.

"She scratched the Texas Chainsaw movie!" Leonardo shouted.

Your eyes began to twitch and you held the bridge of your nose.

"Let me get this straight, you gave Rosie candy, weapons, and you let her out of your sight?! Do you have any idea what that 5 year old is capable of?!"

Your fit of rage was interrupted by the sound of an explosion going off in the sewer.

"Rosie!" You called as you ran out of the lair.

You kept running until you saw Rosie, both of Raphael's sais in her hands, and Donatello's laser gun being held by her tail.


She turned around and smiled.

"Hi Mommy."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm pretending to defeat the Shredder." She giggled.

"Did your brothers give you candy?"

"Mhmm." she nodded.

"Alright then."

You carried Rosie piggy-back style all the way to the lair.

"Oh boys~" you called.

"(Y/N), you found her!" Splinter sighed in relief.

"You're not mad at us, are you Mom?"

"Ofcourse I'm not. As a matter a fact, who wants to play laser tag?"

You pulled out Donatello's laser gun while Rosie raised Raphael's sais.

"RUN!!!" The boys and Splinter all yelled as they scattered.

"You were right Mommy, they are wimps."

"We're girls Rosie, we're always right."

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