When You Bond With Them

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Little Leonardo was sitting on the couch, playing with a Captain Ryan action figure.

"Hello, little one. May I join you?" You asked sitting down next to him.

"Yes, Ma'am." He said handing you a Starista Galaxy doll which you gladly took.

"You do not have to call me Ma'am little one. You may call me (Y/N) if you wish." You said. He smiled at that.

"Okay, (Y/N)." He said.

You cleared your throat and did a dramatic pose.

"Help me, Captain Ryan." You said.

"I will save you Princess Galaxy" he said doing a heroic pose.

You both laughed and moved the action figures around.

You were having fun with the little turtle.


Raphael was punching a little dummy next to a big one in the dojo. You walked in and saw that he was doing a very good job.

"Good job, little one" you said. Surprisingly, he didn't snap when you called him 'little one'.

"Thank. [Pant]. You" he said in between punches.

You walked over and started punching the big dummy next to him hard. You did the move Splinty had taught you and it flew off of the hinges.

You looked down at him who was staring at you, mouth gaped wide open.

"Can you teach me how to do that?" He sad eagerly.

"Sure, whenever you like." You said as you patted the little red-clad turtles head.

He laughed. You spent the rest of the day teaching him the basic movements.

You enjoyed the little one's company and he enjoyed yours.


The little turtle with a purple mask was in his lab making a potato clock.

"A potato clock. I have made one or two of those in my day." You said.

"Can you please help me? I've been trying to get it to work for weeks but it just won't." He hung his head in shame.

You lay your hand on his shoulder making him look up at you.

"Do not be sad little one. I would love to help you." You said causing him to show you his gappy little grin.

You connected the green wire to the red one and heard ticking.

"You did it!" He smiled.

You hugged him tightly. "We did it little one. We did it."


Michaelangelo was in the kitchen, trying to make pancakes but every time he flipped them, they either fell on the floor or stuck to the ceiling.

"Need some help, little one?" You asked.

"Yes. The pancakes won't flip." He pouted.

You picked up the spatula and poured some pancake batter into the frying pan.

You dug the spatula underneath the pancake and tossed it into the air.

Splinter walked in and sat at the table, sniffing the air. "Pancakes?"

"Michaelangelo made them." you winked at the small, orange masked turtle.

"Good job my son." Splinter said.

Michaelangelo hugged you and left.

"You are very good with children, (Y/N)." Splinter said.

"Thank you, Splinty." You said sitting across from him.

You have had a very nice day bonding with the turtles.

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