Christmas Ninjas

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'Twas the night before Christmas, and through the house of Hamato, not a creature was stirring. Not even a... tomato?

Okay lets cut to the chase.

It was Christmas time in New York. The most wonderful time of the year.

Your mother, Mae, John, and adorable baby Toby were all spending a night in the guest bedroom.

Instead of a tradional christmas tree, Donatello stacked a bunch of pizza boxes in the shape of a tree, attatched small light bulbs to it, and used thumb-tacs to pin 'ornaments' to it. (Painted soup cans, etc.)

As a star he had Rosie and Toby put tinfoil over glued-together water bottles and paint them yellow.

You and Mae were wrapping last minute presents while your mother had the boys helping her out in the kitchen.

"So, what did you get Toby for Christmas?" Mae asked.

"A cute little teddy bear."

"He's definitely going to like that."

"What did you get Rosie and the boys?"

"A gift card for free pizza for a year from that Antonio's Pizza place"

"They're definetly going to like that one."

Every now and then Rosie or one of the boys would try to poke their heads into the room to see their presents, resulting in being threatened to be forced to take pictures in elf outfits. Yes with tights and everything.

After you finished wrapping gifts the two of you headed to the kitchen to see how the kids were holding up.

Michaelangelo was covered in flour, Raphael was helping Rosie make what they called 'Ninja-bread men', Leonardo, Donatello, and your mother were all mixing bowls of brownie, cookie, and cake batter, and cute ol' Toby was licking frosting off a wooden spoon.

"The presents are all wrapped, go knock yourselves out."

"Not literally" You added.

The kids all rushed past you, except for Toby who was content with the spoon covered in chocolate frosting.

The sounds of paper being torn and children giggling could be heard all throughout the house.

Merry Christmas to you (Y/N), and your silly family too.

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