When They Call You Mom

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A/N: Okay so don't hate me... But I had a massive error. I did not mean to make you have wolf features. You're supposed to have RAT ears and a RAT tail. Although you can be any animal if you want. Also, I drew the picture above myself, it's my version of the character.


Leonardo was very upset. He was trying his best to perfect his form for striking an opponent, but he couldn't do it. He wanted to be perfect. You entered the dojo and took notice of his struggling.

He threw his swords to the ground in anger. It hurt you to see him so upset. You too struggled as a kunoichi when you were younger.

"Is everything okay?" You asked.

He looked up at you in shock. He had not heard you come in.

"I'm trying to perfect my form but I can't. How am I supposed to be a ninja if I'm not perfect at it."

"Leonardo, at times, even monkeys fall from the trees." You said.

He thought about what you meant for a moment.

"So what you're saying is, if even monkeys make mistakes at what they were made to do-"

"Everyone makes mistakes." He smiled at your wise words.

He hugged you tightly. "I love you, Mom". You smiled and hugged him back.

'Mom' you thought. I like that name.


The red-clad turtle was angry. He had gotten into an argument with Leonardo and he stomped to his room. You walked to his door and knocked 3 times.

"May I come in little one?" You asked. He opened the door quickly. If there was anyone he wanted to talk to, it was you.

Before you could say a single word he hugged you and cried into your stomach. You patted his back and he looked up.

"A-am I a b-bad br-br-brother?" He sniffed.

"Of course not. All siblings argue now and then." You said.

"R-really?" He said. His little eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"Yes. I remember when I was about your age, I had gotten into a fight with my sister, Mae. But then we worked things out. That made us even closer." He chuckled.

"That does sound nice." He thought for a moment and left the room. You were about to exit the room when he ran back again and hugged you again.

"Thanks, Mom."


The little one was sad. He was trying to make a robot but every attempt failed.

He connected the blue wire with the green one and boom! It exploded.

"Do you need help?" You asked. He shot up in surprise. He hadn't known that you were right behind him.

"I'm trying to build a robot but I can't. I guess I'm not that good of a scientist after all." He pouted.

"Donatello, listen to me. As long as you believe in yourself, you can accomplish any goal." You encouraged him.

"You know what you're right!" He hugged you. "Thanks, Mom."

You patted his head. "You're Welcome, son"


Michaelangelo had a nightmare. In his nightmare, he was being chased by an army of giant purple guinea pigs. It was strange, but he needed comfort.

"Do not worry, Michaelangelo. It was only a dream." You reassured him.

"But it was so scary" He shivered.

You got a brilliant idea. "Would you like a lullaby?"

He nodded his head. "Okay"

'Just close your eyes'

'And when you wake'

'All people will be happy'

"All?" He asked

'Maybe, give or take'

'I'll be right here'

'I promise you'

'You'll be a happy little one'

'Yes, when you wake'

You heard soft snoring next to you. You looked at the little turtle, who was sound asleep.

You reached the door and before you walked out you heard, "Goodnight, Mom"

I really love that name.

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