(Y/N) Turns Evil Pt. 1

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This chapter idea was brought to you by Honey Nut Ch- wait wrong card. This chapter idea was brought to you by shadow930, who has a really good story called 'TMNT Scars of Life'. Do yourself a favor and check it out.

Let us begin, Shall we?

It was a dark and chilly night.

You were walking home from a trip to the grocery store.

However you couldn't help but feel as though you were being...followed

Little did you know that you were being stalked by the foot.

You knew that if you were being followed you couldn't risk leading anyone to the lair, so you decided to take the long way home.

It wasn't until you reached another alleyway that your fear had been confirmed.

When you turned around you were surrounded by foot ninjas. Twelve to be exact.

Before you got the chance to fight back you felt something hard hit the back of your head and you fell unconscious.

-Timeskip brought to you by Honey Nut Cheerios- (I used the right card this time)

You woke up in the middle of a dark room, strapped to a table.

You tried to break yourself loose but failed.

You heard a dark chuckle come from one end of the room.

When you lifted your head to see where the sound came from you saw none other than the Shredder.

"Release me immediately you no good, tin foil covered son of a-"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you. The worm, Stockman."

A hideous mutant fly-man entered the room holding a grotesque looking slug creature between a pair of tongs.
(aka the mind control worm)

"Stay away from me!" You thrashed around trying to free yourself.

"Don't worry, (Y/N), this won't hurt... me" Stockman placed the worm on your forehead.

You screamed in pain when it crawled down to your neck and plunged itself into your ear.
(19% sure that's how it works)

You broke free of the straps that held you down and rolled onto the floor, holding your head in agony.

"(Y/N). Rise."

Suddenly, you felt your body unwillingly rise and stand up straight.

"End him." He pointed to Stockman.

The fly mutant tried to get away but you whipped your tail at him and wrapped it around his legs.

Before you could slam him to the floor the Shredder commanded you to stop.

"Excellent. I shall allow you to finish your next task. Eliminate Hamato Yoshi."

Dun dun dun! Cliffhanger! Mua ha ha *cough* I'll do my best to upload part 2 tomorrow and if not then I'll do so on Monday.

Sleep well my pretty's

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