When You Give Them Dating Advice/ A Little Surprise

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The girls all left after a delicious dinner and went bak to their homes. However, once they left, the boys were love struck like puppies who just met a kid for the first time.
(This all takes place the next day)


Leonardo had been begging you for dating advice so that he could ask Luna out. Every time you told him to be himself.

"Please Mom, I really need some advice."

You put both hads on his shoulders and stared at him with wide eyes.

"Leonardo, like I said, just be yourself. If she does not like you that's her problem. You are a wonderful boy and she would be stupid not to admire you."

"Okay. Thanks, Mom." He smiled and waved goodbye.

-------Time Skip Brought To You By Tardis--------------------

Leonardo skipped into the lair, smiling from 'ear to ear'.

"So, what happened?"

"She said yes!" He smiled as he fist pumped the air.

"That's wonderful Leonardo, however..."

"What's wrong Mom?"

"Splinter it's time, Get the puppets!"



Raphael had been acting like Donatello all day. He made charts and thought of every possible contingency of how to ask Asia out.

"Should I bring her flowers, or candy?"

"Raphael I have met Asia, just be yourself and everything will be fine." You smiled.

"Okay, if you say so."

He left the lair and you waited in anticipation for what would happen.

------------Once again you may thank Tardis-------------------------------

Raphael ran into the lair fist bumping the air and shouting 'YES!' every 2 seconds.

"I take it that Asia has said yes." You chuckled.

"Well not exactly. At first she told me that whoever paid me to ask her wasn't paying me enough, then she asked if I was suicidal, then she asked if I was flat out crazy, and then she said, 'Sure'." He smiled in a way that would make you think he was Michaelangelo.

"That is wonderful, Raphael. However there is now something I must do."

Splinter walked in with the little informational video up and ready to be played on Donatello's laptop.

"And so it begins."


The young purple-clad turtle had been typing away on his computer all day. You were relieved to see that he wasn't obsessing over Kayla like the others were obsessing over they're crushes.

"What are you doing, Donatello?"

"Creating an app to determine a way to ask Kayla out." He said not looking up from the screen.

"Okay...Why don't you just ask her to be your girlfriend in person?"

He was now dying laughing.

"Ask...in person!Hahaha!!!"

"Splinter asked me to be with him in person and look where I am now." You smiled.

"That is very true, but I want to be prepared for every possible situation."

"Okay, here's an idea. Ask her out in person and stop worrying about everything. I guarantee you an asteroid will not fall from the sky and crush you. And besides, you know no one can resist that gap of yours. Especially Donnie fangirls."

"Well...okay. But I'm bringing an asteroid gun just in case."

And with that he ran out of the lair.

--------------------------Time Jump--------------------------------------------------------

"Mom, mom guess what!" The young turtle called while running in to the lair.

"Kayla said yes?" You chuckled.

"This is the greatest day of my life!"

"That is wonderful Donatello, but..."

"I can handle this one, (Y/N)." Splinter said as he stepped out of the shadows.

"Thank you, Splinty."

As you walked away you could hear Donatello gulp.


The youngest turtle was in the kitchen attempting to make chocolate. On the first try, he nearly blew up the microwave, somehow he broke the sink, and there was a dent in the counter.

"What happened in here, Michaelangelo?"

"I was trying to make chocolate." He laughed nervously.


"I wanted to give it to Raven when I ask her out."

"Aw, how cute. But you can just ask her out without chocolate. If you try again you might end up burning down the lair."

"Okay." He smiled as he walked out of the lair.

------------------------------Just Imagine the Freddy Fazbear Song-------------(or Five Nights at Freddy's by the living tombstones)

Michaelangelo ran into the lair screaming.



You were both jumping around saying 'Yay Yay Yay', until you stopped.

"What's wrong, Mom?"

"It is time, my son." Splinter said putting a hand on Michaelangelo's shoulder.


Rosie (I hope some of you know where I'm going with this)

Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michaelangelo, and Rosie were all playing in the dodjo until you heard yelling.

"Rosie what happened, did Raph beat you up?"

You ran in and saw Rosie on the floor crying and a pool of blood trailing from her pants to the floor.

"I did not!"

"Interesting. I'll run a blood test in the lab to see if anything is wrong." Donatello said while walking away.

"Uh Mom, Splinter...Rosie's dying here!"

Splinter rushed in and picked Rosie up.

"It is okay, my daughter."

"What's happening to Rosie, Mom?"

"She's started her cycle."

"Like a bike?"

"No, Michaelangelo. It means she's becoming a woman. But I don't understand how she got hers. She's only 5."

"Actually Mom", Donatello cut in sticking his head in the doorway, "Because she is a mutant her aging process is sped up."

"Well you boys need to go for a moment."

Splinter came in and handed you a now clean, Rosie.

"Good luck." He whispered as he lead the boys out of the dojo.

You gave Rosie the 'Talk' and her facial expression looked scared.

"Are you okay?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Mom, thank you for putting up with that type of thing and still having the patience not to kill anyone."

"You are welcome."

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